Is it necessary to warm up and cool down before doing S.I.T. exercises?

Asked 2 years ago

I recently discovered One & Done's 7-minute workouts. I have a hectic schedule, and this plan fits perfectly into it. I'm looking forward to losing weight and toning my aging body. However, I'm curious if I need to do warm-up exercises before I start or cool-down activities after I finish?

Natasha Johnson

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Most, well in fact I would say all workouts require a warm up and cool down. SIT training involves dynamic moves, and not warming up can invite injury. It also increases your heart rate and makes your workouts much more effective. An increased body temperature through warming up will increase elasticity in the muscles. Cooling down will help to regulate your hear rate and blood flow, reduce the build-up of lactic acid, preventing injuries such as muscle tear, and offer stress relief and body restoration.

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