Do S.I.T. workouts train my entire body at once?

Asked 2 years ago

I've wanted to restart my fitness training but have yet to be motivated to join my local gym. I have a hectic schedule working from home and would like to do a training program right before work. My wife suggested I try One & Done's S.I.T. plan, but I wonder if it can train my entire body.

Natasha Johnson

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

This workout will definitely fit into your schedule. You just need 10 minutes (this includes a 2-minute warm-up, the 7-minute sprint and recover cycle, followed by a 1-minute slow down). The key exercises are designed to work on your major muscle groups, so yes, you will definitely be able to train your entire body. Incorporating a healthy eating plan will also help to see visible results in just a few short weeks.

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