Help! Is the One & Done 7 minute workout good for beginners?

Asked 2 years ago

After years of not working out, I've decided to kick-start my fitness and weight loss journey this month. Is the 7 minute workout program good for beginners or is better suited for more experienced people?

Jessie Barker

Monday, March 20, 2023

Yes, absolutely! We all have to start somewhere, so the One & Done 7 minute workout is perfect for anyone wanting to begin their fitness journey. This type of training contains key exercises that combines strength, endurance, and aerobic training into an easy-to-do workout that helps support weight loss and improves metabolic health. Not only that, these workouts can also help in establishing strength and balance in the body. You'll now what works for your body, and I would recommend you start slowly and at your own pace, steadily increasing speed when you are ready.

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