Is it normal to gain weight while exercising?

Asked 2 years ago

Hello! I’m 55 and I have been exercising with one and done for a few months now. I have been seeing some great progress but when I weighed myself last night I saw I gained a little bit of weight. I’ve been working out and eating clean so I was wondering if it’s normal to gain weight when I exercise.

Angelique Buchanan

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Don't worry! Though it might seem odd and leave you wondering if your exercise routine is in fact working, this is completely normal. When starting a new exercise program or routine, your body will add a little weight as a natural and totally normal response to the changes that are taking place. One of the reasons is because, your body will cause a temporary water weight gain as a protective response to the stress that is being put on the muscle fibers. Another reason is simply, new muscle mass will weigh a bit more. But this is nothing to be concerned about. In fact it's great! It shows that you are getting the gains that you want from working out.

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