I'm always tired and I need to know if exercising can help increase my energy

Asked 2 years ago

I've been thinking about starting the one and done exercises to help boost my energy levels throughout the day. I'm curious, does exercise actually increase energy? I know it's supposed to be good for overall health, but I'm wondering if it can specifically help with feeling more alert and productive during the day.

Jorden Flynn

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Yes, One and Done can definitely help with that! I've struggled with fatigue in the past and these workouts really helped to energize me, especially when I worked out regularly and followed a healthy nutrient-rich diet. It improved my strength and stamina, giving me more energy every day, and I started feeling stronger and more alert. These workouts are also wonderful for a better quality of sleep. I've woken up feeling fresh and fully charged for the day ahead. I definitely recommend it!

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