I need advice! How do I get back on track with my fitness?

Asked 2 years ago

I need some advice! I’m 40 and I just had a baby a few months ago. I was already doing the one and done exercises but after having my little one I want to go back into it. Any advice on how to get back into the swing of things?

Lara Kelly

Friday, April 07, 2023

It does feel tough at first, getting back into a fitness regime after some time. But you can do it! Luckily the One and Done workouts are only 7 minutes, so you won't feel overwhelmed by long workouts. Take it slow and easy. You know your body best, and as you get into the swing of things you will notice that you will want to start doing it more and more, eventually incorporating it into a daily practice. Consider what exercise really means to you and what results you want.

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