Is actual sprinting part of One & Done's S.I.T training?

Asked 2 years ago

This year, my husband wants us to get in better shape. I've been looking for an effective exercise plan that an elderly couple can follow regularly. However, I have a bad knee and am cautious that the training will involve actual sprinting. I'm afraid I'll aggravate the situation if I run too much. Should I be concerned?

Natasha Johnson

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Sprinting is a a high intensity exercise that will require a lot of energy, and serves as a catalyst for improving your body’s ability to burn fat. But, please don't worry, the S.I.T does not involve running or sprinting any distances. In fact, you would just be sprinting on the spot with high knees. Safety is super important, so if you struggle with knee or any other joint issues, you could just simply march on the spot, at a tempo that is comfortable to you. You will still raise your heart rate without the discomfort or stress that sprinting can place on joints.

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