Can I improve my mobility by doing One and Done's S.I.T. exercises?

Asked 2 years ago

I recently got out of the hospital after a lengthy stay. I have been in bed mostly and lost most of my lower body strength, mobility, and balance. I'm not too fond of doing planned physio only, and I want to supplement my fitness. My cousin suggested trying S.I.T. training. I'm excited to give but weary if it can help.

Natasha Johnson

Monday, January 09, 2023

Post hospitalization or surgical rehabilitation is very important. Strength, mobility and balance can be helped greatly with physiotherapy. This will help you to regain the strength you need. I would definitely recommend you speak to a professional before embarking on an exercise regime on your own. In this way, a physical therapist can create a plan based on your current abilities, your health and what you were able to do before your long hospital stay. However, S.I.T exercises will work greatly for you once you have regained muscle, more mobility and strength, and you can easily do workouts on your own.

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