Do I need to start thinking about changing up my exercise routine as I age?

Asked a year ago

I've been following the same exercise routine for years, but now that I'm in my 50s, I'm wondering if I should make some changes! Does anyone have any tips for adjusting workouts to better suit an aging body?

Rose Ingram

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

At any age, maintaining our and mental health is incredibly important. The body will begin to experience an increase in limitation as it ages, and you may not be able to do all the things you did when you were younger. But that shouldn't stop you from sticking to a healthy workout out routine! At this time you will probably start to modify certain exercises, to protect your joints and muscles. Exercising later in life comes has excellent health benefits. If you are unsure and have questions about which exercises are safe for you, be sure to ask a healthcare professional.

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