Is the meta boost connection system safe and suitable for older women?
Asked 2 years ago
My mother recently turned 67 and has been inactive for some time. I want to get her in shape so she can spend more time with her grandchildren. I was looking into adult fitness programs when I came across the metaboost plan. I like how it's designed for women, but I don't know if it'll work for older women. Is this appropriate for her?

Anju Mobin
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Yes, it's appropriate for your 67-year-old mother. The Metaboost Connection is a research-based program specifically designed to address the sluggish metabolism and hormonal imbalances in older women. This program recommends superfoods for boosting metabolism, simple lifestyle changes for naturally balancing hormones, and a short series of high-intensity but low-impact exercises specifically designed for women over the age of 40 to 60 years and beyond.
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