Please help! Does menopause make you gain weight?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi all! Can someone help me with this question? I'm going through menopause right now and it's quite the journey! My friend has mentioned to me that menopause can make you gain weight, but I'm not sure if that's true for everyone. Thoughts?

Tabitha Andrade

Monday, May 01, 2023

When women go through menopause, our hormone levels start to change. There tends to be a decline in estrogen levels, as well as loss of muscle tissue that is age-related. This can lead to an increase in body fat (particularly abdominal fat) during menopause. Lower estrogen levels, reduction in metabolism and muscle mass are all contributing factors to weight gain. This weight gain is not It is not necessarily true for every woman, but it is a very common experience for most women. Exercise, a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and taking care of ourselves at this time is very important.

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