Viewing 15 posts - 676 through 690 (of 977 total)
Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Karazan. In the Menu Planner application, the foods in the lighter blue shades are the ones that are recommended. You can read more on how to determine if a food is healthy in our main Program Guide, available in My Downloads (link at the top right corner of the page).

Karazan 10 years ago

Where do I find a listing of foods that I can eat ???

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Brenda, and welcome! Just to be clear about your query – are you saying that you selected hummus in the Snacks section, but it is not coming up in your menus? If so, try clicking on the “swap” icon (circular arrow) next to a carbohydrate/protein item, and see if it comes up there.

brenda9662 10 years ago

I am also new to the plan, my snacks in my plan were the same as gsjones. Was wondering how to get hummus as a snack while at work

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Also, do take advantage of the swap function – the circular arrow icon next to each item.

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, gsjones. I will forward your note to tech support. The system is indeed designed to be sure you have a spread for your bread. I suggest having it with a source of protein, like an ounce of cheese.

gsjones340 10 years ago

Probably shouldn’t even be looking at peanut butter cookies yet as this is my first day, but thank you.

The snacks seem a little weird on my menu planner. This morning it was 1 oz of tuna, popcorn, and blueberries. Lunch was also tuna, so I just put that extra oz in with my lunch. My snack this afternoon was an English muffin and a vegetable of my choice. Should I just eat bread and English muffins plain and vegetables raw or is their some way to make this more interesting without going off plan?

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Each half ounce (15 grams) is about 1 sweet.

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, gsjones340. Most peanut butter cookies are about 1 fat + 1 carbohydrate exchange per ounce (30 grams). Each half ounce (15 grams) is about 1 sweet.

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, gsjones340. Most peanut butter cookies are about 1 fat + 1 carbohydrate exchange per ounce (30 grams).

gsjones340 10 years ago

Emmafraud – the peanut butter cookies sound great- how do you incorporate something like that into the menu? what can it take the place of?

denise1953 10 years ago

A question about the amount of fruit I am finding confusing, when we go through the menu it chooses 2 fruits a day, but on the 14 day menu they have fruit 3-4 times, can someone tell me which it is. Still comming to terms with this new eating plan just need to understand it a little more.
thanks Denise

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Herb. Did you update your profile with your new weight? If not, the system may be giving you too much.
If you did, then instead of just increasing your exercise, try switching the type, in order to work new muscles. Also, if you have any steady, non-intense types in your routine, try to break them up by inserting 30 or so seconds of intense exercise here and there (for example, if you like to take walks or use the treadmill, try adding a brief jog or run, or half a minute with an incline).

HerbLarsen 10 years ago

three weeks

HerbLarsen 10 years ago

My first four weeks I lost 26 pounds. the next four weeks I lost
3 pounds and I doubled my work out. use menu planer and fallow exactly. getting a little troubled. any ideas

Viewing 15 posts - 676 through 690 (of 977 total)

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