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jackiee 11 years ago

Hi Rebeccadors, don’t be disheartened, are you weighing yourself daily or weekly. I lost 2 kilos in total last week (4.4lbs), but during the week when I weight myself I lost 3.3lbs 🙂 the next day I had gained 2 lbs 🙁 but then 2 days later, my weight was down again :-D, so now I’m only going to weigh myself weekly. Only thing I can think of that I was doing different was weighing myself at a different time of the day, as this makes a difference. But either way stay positive, your still losing weight, well done

Rebeccadors 11 years ago

Confused, had lost 5lb, weighed myself today and 2lb on!

annemarie 11 years ago

I’ve been following this “eating well” regimen (hate the diet word) for eight days now. I have soooo many questions but do not know who to ask. Maybe someone can jump in here and reply to me. l. Can we change a meal to a different day but still eat the other two? example: If I don’t want eggs in the morning but would rather have oatmeal. Or is the whole day designed to give right amounts of fat, carbs and protein? Does anyone know what portions men are supposed to eat? My husband is doing this with me because all he needs to do is lose his belly. I have doubled his portions but not sure if this is too little; he seems satisfied. Anyone know the calorie counts? Seems high in calories per day. ~Anne Marie

LynnM 11 years ago

Hi anna try changing the browser you use. I couldn’t change anything on Chrome, but Firefox is fine. Congrats on your weight loss!

Seaborngirl 11 years ago

Anna, that is great you have lost 12lbs so far…be careful not to lose it too quick though.I haven’t noticed any problems with my editing….haven’t looked this morn though. I took my husband to work in my daughter’s car at 6.45, and when I got back, I realised I didn’t take my keys with my house key!!! So I went to the esplanade for a walk and then around to my daughter’s place…she has a key for our house. I waited til 7.30, and went and sat outside her house, so I could hear the kids turn the tv on! I quietly called “Joe,Joe,Joe…” through the window, which freaked him out, so then I had to whisper “it’s Grandma…open the door….” a couple of times! He had to sneak into Mum’s room for her bag with the key in it!!! The rest of the family just kept on sleeping.
Glad to read that you are getting some help Chia.
Oh no Dawnrose….blueberry cake! Hahah…and I had some beef last night which I had too much of!!! Weighing heavier today!!! I love beef and lamb and pork, and it is very hard for me not having it.
Welcome BarbaraMW, VManley1 and any other newbies….hope it all goes well for you.
Jackeei…love reading all your stuff…you are a bright one and I can feel your smile as I read.
Hope all is going well with you Dory….

dleerogers 11 years ago

Hello All, I am new and really haven’t started still overwhelmed. what do they mean by “raw Milk, raw cheese & and grass fed eggs?”

dawnrosie 11 years ago

this is such a strange forum, i never know which page its going to open on?

dawnrosie 11 years ago

bloody cars are a pain! I had to change mine the other day. The gasgit was going, lucky for me a mechanic was selling his dads so i got a really good deal on a lovely little new one, well old new one lol

Seaborngirl 11 years ago

Ahoy Me Hearties….even on a cruise we have our ups and downs…and that doesn’t mean the waves!!! Whether it be about “food” or about our normal lives…looks like our car might be out of action for a bit, as the alternater is not charging up the battery, and the mechanics in the area are overloaded with work (like the rest of the infrastructure in the area) because of the huge amount of new people moving here over the past year.Thank God we have a family here, and friends who have offered a car.

dawnrosie 11 years ago

i did well today, 2 slices of toast and a big slice of homemade blueberry cake!

annaleeramos 11 years ago

Thank you jackiee and doryssb. Is anyone else having trouble with editing any information. I went into my profile to see if maybe I could update that way and it even has my birth date wrong. ughhh. How frustrating. I guess for now I will just keep up with weight loss though the notes section on my journal.

Doryssb 11 years ago

Way to go Anna!

jackiee 11 years ago

well done Anna, that’s an excellent achievement

annaleeramos 11 years ago

ossie. I need help with my progress meter. I have been updating it but it shows me nothing. am I doing something wrong? Great news. I weighed myself again to day. It is my day seven for me and I have lost another 2lbs. This now makes it a grand total of 12lbs for me in only 7 days.

BarbaraMW 11 years ago

Finally got started today and loving the menu. My husband and I shared the dinner of potato, tomato and brocolli cheesy bake. Delicious. Forgot to have my afternoon snack though. And made a punch from mint tea, a slice of lemon, grapefruit and some cucumber which I drank all day.

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