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CHIA 11 years ago

OSSIE — I;m not sure what you mean in your past comment to someone: “but SUPER important to go organic, more than any other meat, because the liver is where toxins get concentrated.:

Do you mean the liver we buy to eat, needs to be organic, more than OTHER meats that we eat? AND, is there toxins in the liver that we buy to cook, or do you mean the toxins that are in OUR OWN liver?
Sorry to not understand, but just want to be sure what you mean 🙂 Thanks for your great help for everyone!

CHIA 11 years ago

JACKIEE — A few years ago I was doing a google search on internet for my husbands last name, BONAR, and found the Bonar Bridge in Scotland. I saw a picture of when it was first built – VERY,VERY old, and an updated one. Have you ever seen the bridge? It was very beautiful. I would love more info on the name and some good photos of the bridge. I also found some well known ministers and hymnal authors by our name – from many years ago. Do you happen to know of the name? You may be too young.

CHIA 11 years ago

HELP! NOT LOSING WEIGHT!? The other day I had gained back 1- 1/2 lbs. I have been pushing water because of my terrible cramps. The last 2 days I’ve had 13, 8 ounce glasses of water. I get up in the night about every 2 hours. It breaks my sleep and then sleeping in to about 9:00 A.M. in the mornings, which gives me a late start on breakfast and I don’t like that. I have not lost any weight for 3 days now. I’m eating exactly my menu. That’s discouraging. What do I need to do???

Ruger1 11 years ago

Hello,,My name is Deanna,,Signed up today and I am looking forward to learning a lot and loosing a few pounds!..:)..

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Yes, liver is an option – but SUPER important to go organic, more than any other meat, because the liver is where toxins get concentrated.

Kelz1973 11 years ago

Thanks jackiee. I am only just starting here. Have tried different diets in the past and always struggle in summer cos i dont have energt to prepare or eat. The heat really saps it out of me.

But i am determined not to give up this time and will try anything. Including preparing the meals on not so hot says and keeping them in the fridge.

jackiee 11 years ago

Hi everyone hope your all being good!

Rebecca, Glad your getting lots more energy from this program, I can’t believe how much I seem to be bouncing about my days now and good for you managing to get your family eating your healthy eating plan. My man (being typical italian) tried brown pasta and said he prefers white, so this weekend I’m going to make pasta using Kamut flour without telling him to see if he notices the difference!!!

Ossie, Is it possible to change a meat option for Liver on occassion?

Kelz have you tried changing items on your meal planner, think everyones the same in hot weather. Here in Italy, alot of people eat cold pasta during the summer months with tuna, sweetcorn, peas, or kedgeree are nice dishes to have in the fridge for a healthy carb\veggie lunch\dinners. We’re due snow tomorrow, so it’s hard to imagine the heat, good luck in finding alternatives, I so miss summer fruit in winter much more choice in summer.

Good luck Phayne, in trying alternative, I to have IBS and have been trying to introduce green vegs again in my diet, tried green cabbage a few nights back, gave my terrible wind but otherwise managed it not to bad. But I find beets, carrots, red peppers, peas and fennel good for me. I usual change beans for chickpeas as they disgest better too. Keep us posted on how you get on.

Seaborn, sweet potpourri for sure, you would be welcome here anytime. Your have to do a world tour to get round everyone though. I managed a walk today, all be it on my own 🙁 local friendly neighbour didn’t want to go as it is raining! Me being scottish, this doesn’t make any difference to me as Billy Connolly once said ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!’ which I tend to agree there anyway if you didn’t walking in the rain in scotland you wouldn’t get oot the house. Right that’s lunch finished, better get on. Have a good day all 😀

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Try softer cooked vegetables like carrots and zucchini and other squashes. Definitely don’t skimp on vegetables, because you need the antioxidants. You can also add mild seasonings like turmeric, which is particularly good for your issue. It is recommended that you look into a multi-vitamin/mineral to make up for any gaps (i.e. in magnesium and folic acid). Hopefully you find that there is a wide enough selection in the Menu Planner for you to customize your menus to your needs.

hpayne 11 years ago

Hello everyone! I have just started this healthy eating thing and am hoping for a few pointers. I have irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colin so some of the things it suggest you eat is an uneatable item for me. I love greens but some of them do not like me! Do you have any suggestions on what I can eat in replacement of them?

Kelz1973 11 years ago

Hey all. How is everyone today. Well its been 24 hours since i joined and I am still finding mt feet. But i am sure i will get there.

The big problem i have i tend not to eat at all when its too hot. And being in summer we have a lot of hot weather to come. Tomorrow is going to be a stinker

Any suggestions to combat this.

Rebeccadors 11 years ago

Have just updated my planner, so new menu for next week. Really looking forward to it. All the family are having the same evening meal as me now. I find I have so much energy now, I’m using my treadmill for an half an hour walk in the evenings and really enjoying it, it’s not a oh no moment anymore. I really look forward to reading the updates on my phone, I catch up at break time and lunch time, helps a lot with the motivation, especially with others experiencing the same confusions as myself.
I never really used to eat breakfast, even when I did have a slice of toast I was always hungry by 10 a.m. , but not I have no problem lasting until my mid morning snack. I’m really enjoying everything about this programme.

jackiee 11 years ago

Hi doryssb and Lynn, hope you have a good day. Hi to everyone else too, hope it’s all plain sailing for you all.

Annalesmos, Are you ok, hows it all going for you?

jackiee 11 years ago

Hi Marharp1, welcome on board, your home town Saskatchewan sounds very idyllic, plenty of fresh air walks. Good luck with your healthy eating plan and managing to eat it all. Glad you didn’t have room for cake and biscuit.

Goodmorning Seaborn, so chuffed you had fun looking up ‘blether’ and that your not scaring the grankids today 😀 it’s great that your sticking to the plan and do hope you see a some weight lose soon. I felt hungry too on Sunday but think that was because I tried to replace the carbs and missed the energy kick from them. I hope you have managed to find some carb alternative that agrees with you. I’ve got a busy day today so better get on. Catch up later. Have a fun healthy happy day down under matey 😀

Seaborngirl 11 years ago

Marhap1….welcome to the cruise…Doryss said just what I was going to say!
And last week I was always feeling full, but today I woke up hungry, and have been hungry all day although I am eating all my food and drinking all my water…my metabolism must have kicked in!!!

Seaborngirl 11 years ago

Love your photos Harbourview and Dawn…especially Harbourview’s photo of Loch Scavaig. Dawn, your photo of Hungerford Bridge London, are you saying that the big curved building at the end of the bridge in the centre of photo is on stilts? Amazing engineering feat withinthe city hey? Love the city photos in black and white…bring a lot more light out. Very interesting pics…you have both done well, and I hope you sell heaps!

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