Is Water Useful in Flushing Out Fat From the Body?
Water is essential for all body functions, but is it useful for flushing out fat from the body? Read on to find out.

Updated November 30, 2022.

Water does help you flush out fat from your body, but not in the way you may think. The influence of water on successful weight loss is immense, as it helps suppress appetite, improves body functions, boosts metabolism, and flushes out toxins.
How Does Water Benefit Your Body?
Water fills up your tummy, taming hunger pangs and helping reduce your calorie intake. It improves weight control by maintaining fluid balance in your body. Adequate water intake boosts metabolism and helps with detoxing.
Weight Loss
Drinking water naturally suppresses appetite. It takes up space in your tummy, giving you a feeling of fullness and suppressing hunger pangs. It's not uncommon to mistakenly think we're hungry when we're actually just thirsty, so drinking a glass of water before reaching out for a snack may do the trick.
In a study that ran for 8 weeks, overweight females who drank 500ml of water half an hour before their breakfast, lunch, and dinner significantly reduced their body weight, body fat, and body mass index. This was in addition to their normal intake of water for the day, proving water is very beneficial to weight loss.
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Drinking water improves basic body functions and makes blood circulation easier, boosting your metabolism. A fast metabolism is good for you in many ways, as it has its own set of benefits for staying healthy and achieving your desired figure much more easily.
Increasing your water intake will help you on your way to improving your sluggish metabolism, ultimately expediting your weight loss.
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Water helps the kidneys and liver break down and expel toxins. Waste and toxins are removed from your body in the form of sweat, urine, and feces—and plenty of water is required for the proper filtering of toxins.
If you're dehydrated, your kidneys tend to retain fluid, and the urine becomes concentrated. Your stool may also become harder, so you may experience constipation. If waste isn't properly removed from your body, you may feel swollen and bloated. Staying hydrated prevents waste accumulation and fluid retention, making you feel a few pounds lighter.
How Much Water Should You Drink Daily?
There are various factors that influence how much water you should drink daily, including your health conditions, dietary intake, and even the weather. However, the general recommendation is to drink about 8—12 cups of water a day, making sure you do the following:
- Drink 2 cups of water when you get up
- Drink 2 cups of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner
By doing this, you’ve already reached the minimum intake of 8 cups of water a day. You can further increase your water intake by doing the following:
- Drink water before, during, and after a workout
- Have more water in the form of lemon juice (without sugar) or infused with herbs and slices of fruits or vegetables
Up Your Water Intake to Flush Out Fat
Water is an important addition to your weight loss regime, as it helps you flush out body fat by reducing your appetite, improving metabolism, and getting rid of toxin accumulation in your body. Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water a day, making sure you have plenty of water a little ahead of meal times to reduce your calorie intake.
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Anju Mobin