A classic recipe for success that stands the test of time: eat breakfast regularly, get a good mix of exercise, and above all, don’t starve yourself!

By TrimDownClub

One of the biggest challenges that people who are trying to lose weight encounter is hunger. With a focus on eating less, people naturally will eat smaller portions of everyday foods. While there is some logic to that, it’s also important to note that simply restricting food intake can have some unintended consequences such as feeling deprived

By TrimDownClub

Food cravings are a normal part of life; once in awhile we’re all ‘in the mood’ for something. Too often however, food cravings can increase just when we need them the least. Here are few tips to Manage Sugar Cravings and Balance Blood Sugar Level.

By TrimDownClub

Mindless eating simply refers to the behavior of eating without noticing. Most of us don’t overeat because we’re hungry, but rather because of other external influences, such as prompts in our environment ‘telling’ us to eat – whether it’s a TV commercial, or the person behind the counter asking us if we ‘wanted anything to eat with that?’.

By TrimDownClub