Raw dairy products are made from milk that has not been heat-pasteurized or homogenized.
Proponents claim that this better preserves the nutritional value and health-protective properties of milk, which are diminished by processing.
On the other hand, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and comparable regulatory agencies around the world warn of the risks of consuming dairy that has not undergone pasteurization, citing more frequent cases of food poisoning. Groups monitoring both sides of the debate note that pasteurization is also not a 100% guarantee against food poisoning.
So what’s a health-conscious consumer to do?

Behind the dairy debate
Raw milk is what was consumed before the invention of pasteurization in 1864. Pasteurization, or heating at temperatures of 145-238°F or more for 2-30 seconds, stemmed from efforts to control bacterial diseases from raw milk, to make milk safer to consume. It originated during a time when farm conditions were largely unsanitary even in westernized countries. Unlike sterilization, pasteurization is not intended to kill all micro-organisms in the food, but instead aims to reduce the number of pathogens and thus the risk of disease (commercial food sterilization adversely affects taste and quality, and so is uncommon). Today, pasteurization is believed to have greatly prevented dairy-related food-poisoning, though some cases still slip through when processing standards are not met, or products are consumed past their expiration date.
Homogenization is mechanical power-blending of raw or pasteurized milk to make it more convenient to process, store, and consume. It combines the “cream” portion of milk with the watery nutrient-rich base, which are separate in unprocessed, unshaken milk.
In the 1930s, some members of the scientific community began writing about the losses of enzymes, nutrients, and “good” bacteria (also known as probiotics) from milk as a result of the intense heating involved in pasteurization. Those opposed to homogenization argue that the method of decreasing the size of the cream fat globules may have unhealthy effects, including allowing steroid and protein hormones to bypass normal digestion and increase their levels in the body. Scientific research has as yet not definitively linked these methods to health issues, though some evidence has been suggestive.
These concerns have increased with the frequency of food processing in general, and interest in raw foods has risen in parallel.
More recently, greatly improved dairy farm conditions, including stainless steel milk tanks and milking machines, as well as refrigerated dairy delivery vehicles and diligent inspection methods, have decreased the some of the concern regarding raw milk.
Additionally, advances in the analysis of milk-borne diseases have enabled scientists to track the cows that supply problematic milk, and facilitated control of distribution.
In rural areas, milk is typically obtained unpasteurized. On farms, it has been observed that the lifestyle may have a somewhat protective effect on the immune system, and raw milk has been linked to health benefits with lower risk. In some rural parts of Asia, raw milk is boiled before consumption. In most industrialized areas of western countries, however, pasteurization remains the most common safety measure of choice.
Raw milk ring-side
Proponents of raw milk claim that pasteurization destroys or damages some of the milk’s nutrients and important pro-immunity compounds, and that while pasteurization may kill dangerous bacteria, it also kills off good bacteria associated with health benefits.
Some clinicians, even those formerly trained in conventional medicine (such as the widely-followed alternative medicine guru Dr. Joseph Mercola), believe that dairy allergy and chronic disease problems associated with dairy stem from pasteurization. Dr. Mercola notes that this process destroys natural enzymes, kills beneficial bacteria that fight pathogenic bacteria and produce “conditionally essential” vitamins, reduces vitamin content (destroys vitamins B6, B12, and C), alters the molecular structure of the protein molecules (possibly causing casein intolerance), and contributes to increases in tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.
The natural enzymes, probiotics, and proteins make raw milk and cheese much easier to digest and assimilate than processed milk products. Fermentation, as in cheese, partially predigests the milk protein, making it even easier to digest. Heating the milk during pasteurization alters the protein, suggested to be a major contributor to milk allergy.
While some populations have high percentages of individuals who do not produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose in the body, additional decline in lactase in adults has been suggested to be due to insufficient good bacteria, blamed in great part on the overuse of antibiotics, including those obtained through conventional dairy products. Raw milk and Lactobacillus in fermented milk have adequate amounts of enzymes present to break down the milk for easy digestion, while pasteurization destroys these enzymes and probiotics.
It has been noted that calves fed pasteurized milk don’t thrive and often die before adulthood. Similar observations have been made in humans, where infants fed products based on pasteurized milk generally have poorer health than those receiving maternal milk from well-nourished mothers.
Another advantage attributed to raw milk is the whole fat feature, which proponents note offers essential milk fatty acids that support the digestive and immune systems, as well as fat-soluble vitamins. Of note, two important fat-soluble vitamins, A and D, are added back to milk from which the fat content has been reduced (reduced-fat or low-fat milk) or removed (skim milk). These are needed for proper assimilation of calcium and protein, two major reasons many people drink milk. There are also concerns that the process of making skim milk presents the risk of oxidizing cholesterol, which is more damaging to blood vessels than too much cholesterol, as well as compounds believed to be carcinogenic and toxic to the nervous system.
Cows raised for raw milk production tend to graze on pesticide-free green grass, which generally provides superior nutrient content – including omega-3 fatty acids – and they get adequate sunlight, ensuring abundant vitamins A and D.
Apart from the suggested health benefits, raw milk proponents note that fresh, raw dairy yields a creamy, full-bodied flavor and mouthfeel that is lost during industrialized processing.
The safety side
Government agencies note that unpasteurized dairy has been linked to outbreaks of potentially deadly campylobacteriosis and tuberculosis, as well as infection with Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella species. Though such infections are also observed with pasteurized dairy and in non-dairy foods that are not properly handled, higher percentages of raw cases relative to frequency of use have been cited.
Many raw dairy farmers also avoid preventive use of antibiotics, which has led to the concern that some raw milk may already be contaminated in the cow itself. Systematic antibiotic use in livestock remains controversial among health advocates.
Pasteurization proponents claim that the heat-related destruction of nutritional value is not a given, noting required post-processing fortification of milk products with vitamins at higher levels than are found naturally in raw milk.
People particularly susceptible to milk-related infections – such as young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems – are particularly discouraged from drinking raw milk.
Raw milk regulation
Regulation of raw milk sales varies around the world. Some countries, such as Scotland, have complete bans, but many have partial bans that do not restrict the purchase of raw milk bought directly from the farmer, or products purchased from farms that abide by strict regulations. While it is legal in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland – though not through regular shops and supermarkets – the only registered producers are in England, who sell raw, or “green top” milk direct to consumers, either through a farm or farmer’s market, or through a delivery service; bottles must display a warning regarding the lack of heat treatment, and the dairy must conform to higher hygiene standards than for pasteurized products. In the European Union, all raw milk products are legal and considered “safe for human consumption”; however, individual countries are free to add certain requirements, usually special sanitary regulations and frequent quality tests (at least once per month) are mandatory. Germany is known to have the strictest of these, and raw dairy is widely, legally, and safely sold. The French have a long tradition of raw cheese production, claiming that pasteurization destroys the classic cheese taste, and have resisted it. Other non-European westernized countries, such as New Zealand, allow raw dairy products to be sold as long as the source meets regulations, whereas Australia prohibits raw dairy, though some controversy exists regarding raw cheese. The sale of raw milk directly to consumers is prohibited in Canada under the Food and Drug Regulations since 1991, though some provincial laws (i.e., Ontario) also forbid the sale and distribution of raw milk that has not met strict standards for plants licensed under the “Milk Act”. The sale of raw milk cheeses aged over 60 days are allowed in Canada, and since 2009, the province of Quebec has allowed raw milk cheeses aged less than 60 days provided stringent safeguards are met. In the United States, raw milk sales are allowed in most states, some with specific regulations and even state-approved sources, though in other states, provisions do exist for private purchase. However, concerns about safety have increased rather than decreased, and sales are increasingly restricted. As a result, some small dairies are now beginning to adopt low-temperature vat pasteurization, noting that it produces a product similar to raw milk in composition and is not homogenized; this is often duplicated in private homes, where slow but thorough boiling (at temperatures below 115°C, for 15 minutes) is considered to be an alternative. The newest industrial technology, sonification, uses sound waves instead of heat to kill undesirable bacteria, and is believed to best preserve the taste and health benefits of raw milk.
The organic option
Though generally pasteurized and homogenized, organic milk and dairy products are favorable second choices behind raw dairy. The lack of antibiotics and hormones in the cow feed not only presents an inherent benefit to the consumer, but the cows are much better taken care of than commercial cows, out of necessity to preserve their health and well-being without chemical back-up.
Organic milk has also been found to be significantly lower in saturated fat than raw milk. When compounded with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants from grass and red/white clovers in grass-fed cows, the fat and nutrient composition can be naturally superior to most milks.
However, while cows raised for raw milk production nearly always graze on pesticide-free green grass, those raised for organic pasteurized milk may not be. Therefore, it is recommended to seek an organic milk from a company that specifies “grass-fed” and/or “free-range”.
The bottom line
Raw dairy is increasing in popularity, along with raw food in general. As a result of the milk safety controversy, dairy farm conditions and practices are being “cleaned up,” and alternatives to pasteurization are increasingly being developed and used.
For raw dairy availability in your area, see the following electronic address: http://www.realmilk.com/real-milk-finder/. Be sure to check on the legality of sales before ordering. In addition to international and US national shopping links, the site offers the following general advice for raw dairy use:
“As this is such an important decision, especially for children and the immune compromised, it is essential for you to do your own research to feel personally comfortable before proceeding.”
For everyone else, the raw vs. pasteurized question remains, pitting the health and taste benefits against concerns similar to those associated with raw fish (as in sushi) and beef (as in steak tartare and carpaccio). Some people deal with the risk by cooking the milk and dairy themselves at home, which may result in greater preservation of some of the natural benefits, while ensuring safety.
When in doubt, organic dairy is a good second choice, especially if the cows are pastured.
The Trim Down Club believes that in order to lose weight, you have to eat real food–not starve yourself! Our Menu Planner makes this easy to do. Click here to learn more.
Hi, middlewhite. Up to 60 ml a day doesn’t have to be counted.
Hi, I only tend to use semi skimmed milk in tea and very rarely have milk in any other drink or meal. Is there a daily allowance for this ?
Hi, Karin. Lactaid is actually not non-dairy, it is just low in lactose after the producers added the enzyme lactase. This particular article is about milk that has not been processed at all.
In the Menu Planner, you can substitute a low-lactose milk for any of the generically-stated milks in the lists (i.e. non-fat or skim, in your case).
I use Lactaid non-fat milk. I do not see any reference to these non-dairy types of products.
Thanks for the tip I will be changing to the right kind
Hi, travel4less. Almond milk is great! Just try to get the type that is fortified with calcium and vitamins.
I only drink almond milk and will not drink anything else, so is it alright to substitute it for cow milk?
Hi, EvaNoanoa. Yes, but do try to get the type that is fortified with vitamins and calcium, and without carageenan. Note also that it doesn’t have protein as regular milk does.
Hi I use unsweetened coconut milk, is this ok.
Hi, BeckyRogers. The major difference between dairy or goat and almond milk is that the latter does not have protein (it is usually fortified with calcium and vitamins, so that is less of a concern). However, there is plenty of protein in this program, and you can use almond milk without worry about that .
can’t bkuy raw milk in Missouri unless it is goat milk which I refuse to get near… I do drink Almond Milk – just started on that. Before I was drinking 2% milk – which one is better for me? the Almond milk has 50% calcium than regular milk…
Hi, PioneerWoman. Absolutely! Just keep in mind that almond milk does not have protein in it, and is higher in carbohydrates. Also, be sure your brand is fortified with vitamins and minerals and made primarily from almonds and water, with minimal additives (other than nutrients).
Can I replace milk with unsweetened almond milk?
Hi, mas615. Definitely. Just try to get a type with added calcium and vitamins, and without added sugar.
Hi, NYIrishGirl. You definitely don’t need to drink any milk. You can make your own menu using the Menu Planner application, and can avoid it entirely.
Hi, Buster. Buttermilk is fine, but it is only as good as the basic milk that was soured. Organic pastured is best!
i am lactose intolerant. can I drink Silk Almond?
what can I do when I hate the taste of milk in all forms: cow, goat, soy almond etc, and do want to have to make a chili or eat black beans for breakfast when milk is forced into the menu
What are your views on buttermilk?
Hi to all asking about skim milk. If you prefer it, please do check to make sure it does not contain added “milk solids,” as these tend to oxidize and may work against your goals here.
i am not a great lover of milk but i only have skimmed milk with cearels//if there is fat free organic i dont mind
is skimmed milk with no fat good for the diet
Hi, kimprior. There are many non-dairy options out there – you can read about them here https://www.trimdownclub.com/non-dairy-milks/.
Hi, amallegretti. Organic milk is great. Either 1% or 2% would be fine as long as there are no added “milk solids”.
Hi, JanLarsen. You don’t need to use full cream milk, but it is preferably to use fluid low-fat (semi-skimmed) rather than skim or powdered milk, because the processing can lead to oxidation that may work against your efforts here.
I suffer with catarrh and have been told milk is not good as this makes the condition worse. What alternative milk would you suggest for drinking and cooking with.
I drink organic milk but should it be fat free, 1% ,or 2%
Hello, I am new to Trim Down Club I have always used skimmed powered milk on my cereals and in drinks as I don’t like the fatty taste in full creamed milk. Is this still ok to use.
Hello, I am new to Trim Down Club I have always used skimmed powered on my cereals and in drinks as I don’t like the fatty
taste in full creamed milk. Is this still ok to use.
We used reduced fat UHT milk all the time it has 3% milk fat. Find the cooking and drinking tastes just fine
I do not like milk, so I do not really care about it one way or the other. I am however going to try the Raw milk, as it is available 3 miles away, so why not, since I am already trying new stuff. If anything I will use it in my coffee.
What about coconut milk
ihave been drinking skined milk. i need a low fat diet
Hi, RobertMillner. There are many lactose-free milks available – you can read more about these here: https://www.trimdownclub.com/non-dairy-milks/. Another option is to take supplements of the enzyme necessary to digest lactose (called lactase) just before eating or drinking dairy.
i am lactose intolable
HI, Jaydesnana. Yes – that sounds great!
So can I buy organic milk from the health food store?…it come in glass bottles and only last about a week.
Hi, fnmom7. It’s not ideal, but if you do feel better with it, you can limit the associated risk by keeping it refrigerated and out of light (i.e., in dark or opaque packaging).
I only keep dry powdered milk on hand to add to cereal or beverages. Produces much less mucous. Enjoy chilled with a sandwich. Is this terribly bad?
I drank skim milk for 30 plus years. My weight went from 145 to 252 in 30 plus years. For the last 6 years organic meats, vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, nuts, and “RAW MILK” have gotten me off high blood pressure, diabetic, and cholesterol medications. I am in better health now than I have ever been in my life in my late 50’s. Sprouted beans, nuts, and seeds are also a good benefit to look at in your eating lifestyle. I appreciate the added assistance from the trim down nutritionist. Thanks
Hi, Jacquee. Lactose-free is fine, but skimmed milk is not as recommended unless it is not white or creamy. The reason is that sometimes chemicals are added to it to compensate for the fat that was removed, and these chemicals can work against your efforts here. If you have something that is “blue” and water, that is preferable.
I drink lactose free, skimmed milk and I really don’t want to change. May I please keep it in my diet?
Hi, lkshell. See my response below regarding almond milk 🙂
Is almond milk an option?
Hi, Carrie. Almond milk is fine, especially unsweetened. Try to get the type that is fortified with calcium and vitamins. Also note that it does not have much protein (if at all), so be sure to get yours elsewhere in your daily menu.
Hi, ManonHigginson. 0-1% milk is generally not ideal because these types contain additives that may work against your efforts here. You may be better off with at least 2%.
Hi, pms999y. Almond milk is fine. I suggest you select “Non Dairy” in your profile (at the lower right corner), and then use the Menu Planner application (in “Apps” above) to build your menus – be sure to select almond milk as you go through the food lists.
What about unsweetened almond milk?
I’ve been drinking 1% partly skimmed milk forever is that ok?
I can not drink milk in any form! I am severely lactose intolerant, can I drink Almond Milk? How do I adjust my menus to accommodate?
Hi, mondavia. As long as your plant-based “milk” is fortified with calcium and vitamins (or you get those elsewhere) and you get plenty of protein from other sources, almond milk is an excellent choice. No, dairy is not a must for most people in developed countries who don’t live near the poles.
Do I need to drink milk at all? I have never been a huge milk fan and only use it in my coffee. I have been drinking unsweetened almond milk and love it.
My teen daughter and I switched to Kalona 2% Super Natural Milk (and cottage cheese) and we couldn’t be hap pie. We both have dairy sensitivity… but with this milk we do not. IT IS ORGANIC and from PASTURE FED COWS which is gently pasteurized in SMALL batches. Pasture fed dairy has the best kind of fat and is PALEO approved on many programs…. but I don’t know why it doesn’t irritate my stomach like regular milk. Even know, if I go out and get a cappuccino… I have lots of …. ahem…. gas! Now I just switch to an Americano (and bring my own milk!).
Hi, Bria1105. Soy doesn’t necessarily cause inflammation. A lot depends on the form of the soy (processed or not, grown naturally or not), as well as an overall dietary balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fats. We recommend organic, relatively unprocessed soy, with plenty of omega-3s to balance the omega-6s.
I thought I read that soy causes inflammation?
Hi, Brenda. Do you mean dairy milk or milk in general?
Almond milk is quite different from dairy milk nutritionally (no protein, less carbs), but is still an excellent choice. Try to get the type fortified with calcium and vitamins – that’s more important than seeking low-fat or fat-free.
We have been drinking almond,cashew and coconut milk. I’ve been sneaking and putting fat free coffee mate in my coffee! Is drinking milk really needed in a food plan?
Thanks for so much info, knowledge is great but takes time to get head round but I appreciate being a part of the trim down club. Wish I had found you years ago but now I retired I have time to enjoy the whole lifestyle (food wise)
Change . We are what we eat they say !!!!!!! So I look forward to a long and slim relationship with the club.
Monica Mills
Is almond breeze reduced fat good to use?
What about almond milk?
What about Almond Milk???
Hi, WallerJoyce. 2% is preferably, as it is likely to have fewer additives – since it is whiter and creamier than skim, there isn’t as much of a need for whiteners and texture-improving agents. These additives have been shown to oxidize easily, and that’s not what you want in your milk!
I have been on skim milk a long time and enjoy it. Which should I use – skim milk or 2% milk?
I always thought the organic milk I bought in CA was also ‘raw’, but additional reading cured that problem. My daughter found a ”raw” milk dairy when she moved to AZ and when I began using that milk, I noticed I had NO lactose intolerance issues – and neither did she. We still do buy the stuff from the big grocery stores and every time we have problems. I wish the ‘raw’ dairy was closer so we could buy it more often.
Hi, visitation. Pasteurized is fine, especially if you can get organic and pastured. Skim is less ideal – 2% is preferable.
cannot get raw milk is pasturized skim milk healthy
Thank you, Ossie-Sharon, that clears up the misunderstanding for me.
Hi, bowmany. The problem with fat removal from milk is not in the chemicals used, but rather in the fat and cholesterol (and perhaps even protein) oxidation products of the milk solids added into skim milks to compensate for the loss of texture and color. Even if the total cholesterol content is low in milk, oxidized cholesterol in milk may be a risk as the threshold may too be quite low. This information is based on USDA information and scientific studies – if you would like the references, I would be happy to provide them.
I don’t understand this concern with chemicals in removing fats from whole milk. The first twenty-five years of my life (mid-fifties to 1970s) I lived and worked on farms where we used cream separators to remove the fats or cream from the milk to make skim milk. The cream separator is a machine, which we cleaned with a dish detergent and hot water. No chemicals were used in the removal of the cream; it was purely mechanical. The milk was passed through a a stainless bowl made of about 24-30 disks spinning at high-speed. Somehow, this caused the cream to rise to the top and drain out the upper spout while the milk drained out the lower spout. The skim milk was used to fatten pigs and the cream sold to the creamery to make butter. We also used what cream and skim milk we needed for the family. I tried to research online how milk and cream are separated today but got no results. I hope an administrator from Trim Down Club can answer my question, based on investigation into the actual dairy processing system. I do not believe that chemicals are used; I believe scare tactics are posted on this website by ignorant authors but I may be mistaken. I do know that today milk is collected directly from cows into huge cooling tanks where it is stirred and rapidly cooled, which makes separation of milk and cream much different from the old way. In the old way you had to separate the milk and cream while the milk was still warm. The very old way was to let the milk sit undisturbed for about twelve hours, then skim the cream off the top with a spoon or ladle or other instrument, but this was not good enough for the creameries of mid-century. You needed a mechanical cream separator at that time. Sometime before 2000, regulations changed so that small cream separators on farms were no longer used. So how is it done today, and why are we told about the use of chemicals in the process? I will appreciate an answer. Thank you.
I use KOKO milk. Not great in tea but good on cereal. Its Coconut milk – low fat.
I use Trader Joe’s Unsweetened Almond Milk with Vanilla.Tastes great and higher in Protein!!!
Hi, Champange. When you say $2.99 for almond milk, are you sure that’s not for a quarter of a gallon? Most cartons are that quantity (32 fluid ounces or 1 quart at that price). If so, and you problem with regular milk is only lactose, I suggest that you order lactase at the best price you can find for the most convenient form. For example, if you are comfortable taking a capsule before each dairy milk, you can find a good deal at Amazon.com, including in bulk (http://www.amazon.com/Kirkland-Signature-Lactase-Compare-Lactaid/dp/B0016JDZMO/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1410354343&sr=8-4&keywords=kirkland+fast+acting+lactase), which makes your cost less than twice regular milk instead of the four-fold cost you have with the almond milk (and you will get more reliable nutrition and be able to just have what your family has). You also have the option of getting lactase liquid in bulk (i.e. http://www.digestmilk.com/shipping.html), and just add a few drops to each cup of milk you use – in the end, this option will cost you only twice as much instead of four times as much.
I am still a bit confused. I am lactose intolerant, but my family loves milk. I am not sure what to buy, nor do I have an unlimited budget, being on disability and social security. It breaks down to what are my choices that best fit a strict budget. I spend approximately $2.80 for a gallon of milk and buy 2 at a time, once a week. I have been buying almond milk for myself at $2.99 a half gallon. Please help me out here.
Hi, coralestes. Organic soy milk is fine, especially if you can find it from sprouted and/or fermented soybeans.
Is Soy milk ok to drink?
I use organic dairy.
HI, melvab. Almond milk is excellent. Just be sure to get it fortified if you don’t have other sources of B12, D, and calcium, and note that contains essentially no protein. You can read more about the benefits of these types of milks there: https://www.trimdownclub.com/non-dairy-milks/.
HI, Margal. Almond milk has the advantages of the antioxidants in almonds.
Hi, Carinchunky. Acidophilus milk is excellent, but try to get organic if you can.
currently I drink almond milk and thus far, no problem. What are the benefits of almond milk?
I use acidophilus milk is this ok
I drink almond breeze unsweetened, it’s soy and lactose free is it a good choice?
Hi, Kate. Almond milk is excellent. Just be sure to get it fortified if you don’t have other sources of B12, D, and calcium, and note that contains essentially no protein. You can read more about the benefits of these types of milks there: https://www.trimdownclub.com/non-dairy-milks/.
Hi, Mairiead. Things are getting better in a few countries – France, the US, New Zealand, Canada to name a few. The UK is the gold standard, of course.
Where does Almond Milk without extra flavoring fit in the milk picture?
Hello everyone.
I am new to trim down, I love to drink my two percent milk, but i will give the raw cow milk a try, after i try it i will give an up date on how it is.
I drink one glass of milk a day at night before I go to bed (goat milk). As we age we need vitamin D for bones and teeth. I also eat goat cheese on my noodles and on top of my salads. You can buy goat cheese hard.
I wouldn’t advocate raw milk abroad but in the UK the controls are such that it is safe but hard to find!
I only drink goat milk at home but have to “make do” with cows for coffees elsewhere but never on its own. both semi skimmed. I love it!
Hi, Amy. If you can get organic pastured dairy, that’s even better.
I cannot drink low fat or skimmed milk or stand the taste/smell of low fat cottage cheese. What can I substitute for these?
One of my weight problems is I like “real” milk, cottage cheese, cheese and butter.
Hi, Brenda. Almond milk is great, especially if it is fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Just note that it has very little protein, so as a diabetic woman, you should be sure to get another protein source in that meal.
i drink powdered milk mostly and almond milk in cereal at times …
thanks, sorry I wrote a duplicate message, I am new on this site and thought that my first comment didn’t post. Anyhow I will get the Almond soy milk the next time…….thx…….
Hello, I love lt. soy milk, but I have seen that soy milk is not very good for u. I previously was drinking 2% milk but came to the conclusion that the lt. soy milk was way less in Carbs, Calories and surgars so that’s why I started drinking soy milk , as well as I love the taste. So really since I am a diabetic that wants to loose 12 lbs, what would be the best milk for me to drink?
Hi, RosaRudick. Almond soy milk is excellent, but it is recommended to make sure it is organic or from a non-GMO source.
I am allergic to almonds and nuts so can not have almond milk so lactose free is best for me.
I need to drink lactose free milk
Hi, cass255. These milks are wonderful, each with its own special benefits, but not necessarily with the same nutritional properties for which milk is selected. For example, they are very low in protein and calcium and have no naturally-occurring vitamin D or B12. While protein is not added, many of these milks are fortified with calcium and vitamins. So when you choose them, look for fortification, and be sure to get your protein elsewhere.
What about unsweetened almond milk or rice milk?
Hi, rlittel. Almond milk is discussed in my post from July 3, 2013. If you have a different question about almond milk, or want more in-depth information, please do repost.
Hi, MrStubs. A portion of dairy is usually 8 fluid ounces (240 ml) of milk, 6 ounces (180 g) of yogurt, 1 ounce (30 g) of cheese.
Can you please answer about Almond milk? Saw that question pop up a couple times…….
i have one question that is what is a porstion how much is it ?
Hi, Plumme. Organic pasture-raised/pastured milk is excellent. We don’t include a link because they are increasingly available around the world, and so brands will vary widely.
They gave us a link where to find the Raw products. But also any organic will work..
I try to stick with 2% milk no more the 4 oz a day. :]
hi i am reading all of the comments about raw milk. it’s describe as creamy and thick. i was not raised on the farm however i don’t think i would find raw milk in the store so can i use 2% milk instead.
I really don’t like milk, can I use Almond milk?
Where do I find responses to the questions asked about milk?
Hi, my first time on site. Does skim milk have sugar cause I am a type I diabetic and concerned about my sugar levels?
There must be an alternative to “cows milk”. What is it???
well, when you are trying to trim down and do not have RAW milk available OR raw butter, what is your recommendation to substitute …. AS I will not be able to get RAW milk or RAW butter
I don’t drink milk as it upsets my stomach. I use lactose-free skim milk in my breakfast smoothies which include low fat yogurt, blueberries/strawberries and protein powder. This keep me active from 6am to Mid-morning. Is this a healthy choice? I don’t have time to cook breakfast and this the best I can do for an early morning meal.
October 27, 1013
I cannot take dairy products. I drink goats milk but this is not included in any of your choices. Is goats milk unhealthy?
If the cows are not grass fed is it still a better choice or would almond or soy milk be a better choice?
I don’t live near a farm. Can you give me some idea as to where to look for raw milk?
grace ..There are other alternatives: take goat’s milk, for example. Patients with diarrhea, asthma, bloating and irritability may be suffering from the most common food allergy: cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is a natural alternative to cow milk and can comfortably be consumed by many patients who suffer from cow milk allergies or sensitivity.
Although goat milk, like cow’s milk and human milk, contains lactose, many people with lactose intolerance can drink goat milk. Why? It has been hypothesized that the reason lies in goat milk’s superior digestibility. Goat milk is more completely and easily absorbed than cow’s milk, leaving less undigested residue behind in the colon to quite literally ferment and cause the uncomfortable symptoms of lactose intolerance. goat. here is a good web sight to look at http://www.woolwichdairy.com
Hello. I’m lactose intollerant so I use the UHT Lactofree milk for my tea and coffee. Does anyone have any insight into this? Thanks.
I drink oat milk. Is this alright as a substitute for milk.
Hi I understand the health side of this raw milk but right now I am more concerned about the losing weight part. Is this really going to help me if I buy organic since raw is impossible to get, verses just plain old skim milk. I really want to stick to this diet of yours but the cost is too much for me. I need alternatives on all the Sprout breads also. We do not have a grocery store with any of that stuff and I am sure that I could not afford it even if I could find it. Please help.
Hi, SusanneMarshall. UHT is not generally recommended, due to the process of ultra heating (the UH in the name). This changes the composition of the milk to one suggested to create a risk for blood vessel health. Sorry.
Hi, IWannaBeHealthy. Soy milk is fine for most people if it is organic (or labeled non-GMO) and limited to 1-2 cups per day. It is the milk with the highest amount of protein, but should be fortified with calcium and vitamins D and B12 like all other vegetal milks. Ideally the milk should be fermented; fermented soy milk is sometimes available at Asian markets, but can be made at home by adding fermenting agents to milk and heating it.
I always use skimmed milk and sometimes something called UHT milk because it is cheaper. Is this OK or can it be negative in terms of health benefits?
What about soy milk.
When I was having gastrointestinal distress issues, my daughter, who is lactose intolerant, suggested I avoid all dairy for a few days. I thought it helped, so now I use lactose-free, fat-free milk and take lactase tablets when I can’t avoid dairy. I grew up on whole milk but have no experience with raw milk. The Lactaid milk that I now use provides the same nutritional values (except fat) as the 2% that my husband uses.
My son who is about to graduate from Chinese Medicine school is lactose intolerant as well.
He has no issues with consuming raw milk. In addition, I have a sister-in law who has overcome chronic constipation issues after adding raw milk to her diet.
Hi, Jcambrook – and to all others interested in vegetal milks. The vast majority of these are wonderful. Each has its own special benefits, but not necessarily with the same nutritional properties for which milk is selected. For example, most (such as almond, hazelnut, spelt, flaxseed, coconut) are very low in protein and calcium and have no naturally-occurring vitamin D or B12. While protein is not added, many of these milks are fortified with calcium and vitamins. Soy milk is high in protein, but it is very important to use only organic soy products, and ideally, sprouted or fermented.
There is no better tasting milk than 100% raw, grass fed, free range cows milk. It is richer, thicker, and creamier than the “sanitized” commercial product. Not to mention the awesome homemade ice cream…in small servings, of course!
I don’t drink milk is almond milk an ok substitute??
I am lactose intolerant, therefore, I drink Vanilla Almond milk. It has more calcium than milk itself.
I just joined TrimDown. I quit drinking cow’s milk several years ago after reading The China Study and some other literature. For the most part I do not consume soy products but sometimes I drink almond milk and rice milk. I am looking forward to trying raw cow’s milk and raw goat’s milk.
Hi, liag. You can check the option for cereal with milk in the same Menu Planner list.
Hi, JEM1. The Trim Down Club recognizes the suggested benefits of raw milk. If you have a safe, reliable source and have felt benefits, then there is no reason to give it up.
Hi, earth2jill. The recommended types of eggs are omega-3 and grass-fed or free range. They do tend to be more expensive unless you can get them directly from a farm. If these are not a possibility for you, then I would suggest to limit egg intake to every other day at the most, and/or to use egg whites instead of whole eggs.
Hi, ritajoyce. This particular article is about dairy milk, but the Club will publish and article about vegetal milks in the future.
Hi, Suetypud. Certain benefits are attributed to goat’s milk, and so it can definitely be part of a healthy diet. Goat’s milk is suggested to be less allergenic than cow’s milk and naturally homogenized and easier to digest. It also rarely causes lactose intolerance and may meat human needs better than cow’s milk.
Hi, Lwensley. It is indeed very interesting and somewhat controversial that humans drink milk regularly after infancy (though other adult animals may enjoy it when given, they often need lactase added). There is some evidence that this can create health problems in some people, while other evidence suggests it (and other animal products) enabled humans to grow more complex brains and taller statures. There may not be an across the board rule here, as a lot may depend on genetics and environment. In the future, we will be publishing an article about healthful vegetal milks.
Hi, Keith Spencer. Conventional livestock are raised on grains, while grass-fed are generally allowed to graze – if so, and not just fed grass in captivity, they also eat insects, which provides an additional boost to the nutritional value of their products.
My first time on site. My menu calls for dry cereal but doesn’t say anything about adding milk of some type. Where can I find an answer about this? Thank you.
maybe I have been so used to seeing only the ordinary descriptions for food etc in Australian super markets that I have not been aware of grass fed cows ,pigs and sheep and poultry but I have seen products listed as organic. my understanding of this is they are raised on animal fertilizer??? and the animals still live in fields or paddocks so I guess they must be grass fed
I think it’s interesting that humans are the only animals on the planet who drink milk after infancy.
I use semi skimmed goats milk what is your view
I have found this article very interesting. Raised on a working farm as a child: I had mother’s milk as a baby and drank raw milk during my developing years. I can safely say me and my siblings rarely were sick. Yep, we made our own butter & buttermilk, [ Mom’s biscuts were great! ] and we butchered our beef, pork, chicken, turkey and a host of wild meats. Everything we consumed on the farm was organic. Today with GMOs, and a host of additives it’s no wonder our country is in such sad health. And our big chemical companies have done more harm than good to our nation’s health, in my opinion.
that is all good and well,thanks for this information. I HAVE NOT USE MILK IN MANY YEARS. Although i grew up on milk and cheese as my only source of protein by choice. I t is still difficult to find pure organic products.
I live in Vermont and have been drinking raw milk for about a year now. I get from a farm where they have. It is very creamy and more delicious by far than pasturized milk.
My family own a farm overseas.Growing up,never drank a glass of pasteurized milk.My mom used to boil the milk an hour right after my grandmother milking the cow.After milk was boiled enough we let it sit and take the cream off of the top of the milk and ate it on our bread with jelly on top.
I am missing those days.My family has been very healthy,lived long heathy lives.
I moved overseas,I can’t find same quality even in the organic eggs I buy here.Tomatoes does not smell same,they have no smell at all even tho we pay $5 a pound!
I am really sad that healthy foods hard to find and very expensive to buy and not found everywhere!
Where do I find replies to your questions? I am new to this site. Thank you.
I use Silk Vanilla Coconut milk in my cereal. I don’t drink cow’s or other animals milk as a rule because of all the hormones it contains. If I need to add “milk” to potatoes or other recipes, yogurt works just as well. So, how come nothing is mentioned about coconut or almond milk?
I have never had raw milk, it sounds too rich for me. I love skim milk and have been drinking it for over a
25 years. I have allergies and its hard to swallow any milk that is thick. I will stick to skim only. Thank you for all the help. Sincerely, Ronda Keefer
I remember the scramble to get to the milk first, before my brother and sisters got a chance to get the cream off the top of the mik, I loved it on my morning cornflakes . thanks for making me smile this morning I had quite forgotten that. 🙂
As children we drank ‘raw’ milk although I didn’t know it at the time. I often wondered why there is no ‘top of the milk’ any more. But this extract from the article would appear to explain it. “Homogenization is mechanical power-blending of raw or pasteurized milk to make it more convenient to process, store, and consume. It combines the “cream” portion of milk with the watery nutrient-rich base, which are separate in unprocessed, unshaken milk.”
I remember being told our milk wasn’t pasteurized but was TB tested. We used to pour of the ‘top of the milk’ and use it one our cereal and woe betide anyone who forgot and shook the bottle!
i have not used milk for many years, i use soya milk for porridge and ceareal i dont think you can get raw milk in england
I have to agree to a state requirement of buying the milk for my cat. I can assure you she never gets a drop. It costs way too much to serve as cat food. i drink it and love the taste. Reminds me of when I was a kid the farmer across the field from our home in Maryland squirted fresh raw milk right into my mouth as I stood a few feet from where he was filling a milk pail right from the cow. Yum, yum! I am 76 now, and have suffered no ill effects from drinking raw milk off and on for the past two years. The price might come down if the demand went up because right now the very small quanties that make it to a store cost the farmer more than if he could deal in volume of consumption to spread his overhead over more gallons.
SOURCING RAW MILK & CHEESES IN THE UK (SOME OFFER A MAIL ORDER SERVICE): http://www.realmilk.com/real-milk-finder/other-countries/#uk
where to purchase and what kinds of eggs to buy. i am disabled and on a budget
For about 4 1/2 years I have been drinking raw (right from the goat) goat milk and I just love it. I was wondering if this is permissible on this diet. I hate to think of giving up my goat milk and cheese. I am 75 years old and I haven’t even had a cold since drinking goat milk.
I turned 66 on Dec 28 2012 and I grew up on a dairy farm in New Jersey so of course I drank a LOT of raw milk and ate a lot of raw butter and cream..I enjoyed very good health until my 51st birthday. I contribute the long span of health to being raised on the raw milk products. i seldom had a cold or the flu and enjoyed plentiful years illness free.