When hearing the word “workout,” most of us stress out and start making up excuses to avoid it. We never have enough time or energy for it.
However, working out is a vital tool to improve our physical health and even our mood. Working out keeps our heart and circulation working properly, helps us quicken our metabolism and lose weight and makes us feel better, thanks to the release of endorphins and serotonin, which elevate our mood.
Many people are aware of the physical benefit that comes from engaging in regular exercise, but only about one-third of the population is regularly working out.
During a workout, the body mobilizes energy (mostly from carbohydrates and fats) and increases the activity of the heart and the circulatory system, which get fuel to and energy from the body’s cells.
At the same time, the pituitary gland is thought to release natural painkilling substances (endogenous opiates). These hormones create a “workout high,” a pleasant euphoric feeling of mental relaxation. It was also found that these substances raise the threshold of pain, improve appetite control, and reduce stress, anger, and anxiety levels.
Research published in the Lancet medical journal discovered that a daily 15-minute workout can increase life span by 3 years and reduce mortality by 14%. Another research, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that a lifestyle that includes 6 hours of sitting on the couch in front of the TV can shorten life span by 5 years.
So now it’s time to get started!
If you decide to return to exercise after being inactive for a long time, it’s very important to start out gradually. The target is 30 minutes each day, but it should be reached with great care to avoid injury or fatigue that can cause damage or discouragement. One method is to start with 30 minutes of exercise one day a week and add a day each week or two. Another is to start working out for 5-10 minutes 3-5 days per week, then gradually add minutes and days.
Most importantly, you should start with a lighter sort of workout, like walking or basic pilates. When you feel that your body has adjusted, you can gradually increase the intensity of the workout, the length of time, and the number of times a week that it is undertaken. Studies show that if you managed to stick with the workout for 12 weeks, it is likely to become a regular habit.
There are many different types of exercise – running, jogging, walking, dancing, spinning, swimming, bicycle riding, pilates aerobics, and so on. Just choose one that works for you to begin, and expand your repertoire along the way. Every activity that requires you to move and work your body does count, even housecleaning.
If you made a decision to get in shape, it is also important to make small changes in your everyday routine to take advantage of every opportunity to exercise your muscles and burn energy. For example:
It is better to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator
It is recommended to choose walking over driving.
If you do drive, try parking a little farther away from your destination, and walk the rest of the way.
If you have a sedentary job, take breaks to work your muscles.
Lastly, don’t forget why you set your fitness goals. One of the happiest moments in life is when you manage to accomplish a goal you failed in the past. Even if you think you are failing, don’t get discouraged – keep persisting. Small successes are the door to bigger ones, and will stimulate you to set additional goals.
Hi, Denise. There absolutely are exercises, and some are on there way to you now.
Any suggestions for exercises for someone in a wheelchair that doesn’t include the lower back? Spinal injury has left me in a wheelchair… gaining weight around my stomach mostly. Thanks!
I am 56 years old and did very little exercising. I now go to Curves (Circuit Training) 3 to 4 times a week and I also do alot of walking. The nice thing about Curves is it is for women only, don’t have to feel self conscious of my weight. It is only a 30 minute workout.
I am 57 yrs old andaerobics is too strenuous for me. I am doing yoga 2x week, and that is just right for me. NB
I’m just too self conscious of my wt right now to join the gym..soooo I’ve downloaded some fast music..Abba, Beachboys etc..guess you can guess my age LOL..and in 3 sessions I’m up to 20 mins of dancing..it’s a good workout and fun too..crank it up loud!! I’m walking outside too..
Instead of driving to my condo compactor i will walk. Same at work. Now that Ive told you I HAVE TO!
Im just starting on this program. Excersize is only possible forme if i can make it fun, i cannot go to a gym. way too boring. Plus i want to make it part of my everyday life. I welcome all suggestions.
Something not mentionned in the article is how important it is to do warm-up stretching Before beginning any type of exercise, and doing a cool-down after you’ve finished exercising. It Really reduces the chances of you sustaining an injury. A physiotherapist told me that it’s important not to leap out of bed and start something strenuous … that this compresses the discs in the back, even more important as we increase in age.
Hello. I’m in a wheel chair I can do some excersise like walking holding onto a railing (5 feet long ). Im not sure how long I should walk, I was hopeing you can tell me? thankyou Robin