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Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Sunshine. Are you in an area with a Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s or New Leaf Market? They carry the wraps. You can also order them online at Any Ezekiel bread is GREAT.
Hodgson Mill is great, 1 gm of sugar is nothing for pasta. Here is the link to their whole wheat pastas (they also have gluten-free, of course)
These recipes make alot the sweet potato soup and carrots is wonderful I am freezing some of it so its ready when I want it. Can Butter is usually butter, though organic is best because it usually means free from hormones (hormones are fat-soluble, and so can really add up in butter). If you want something a little better, try an organic, all-natural margarine made from good oils (olive and/or organic canola are the most common).

Sunshine 11 years ago

Hi I have been eating the Ezekiel bread I love it but can’t find the wraps mentioned in my meals? I also have a hard time with whole wheat/whole grain. I got the pasta which I thought was good by hodgson mill but its showing 100% durum and it has 1g sugars? so thiking I bought the wrong one. These recipes make alot the sweet potato soup and carrots is wonderful I am freezing some of it so its ready when I want it. Can I use the EZEKIEL bread with raisins its the best. also what butter can we use on our moring toasts. thank you for all your help.

gloriaEllis 11 years ago

Thanks for all the great tips!

pasjj5 11 years ago

I buy almond flour in Market Basket and you can usually get it in Health Food Stores.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

SWG stands for sprouted whole grain. Link to an article on the topic

m8ithpn 11 years ago

What does SWG stand for in SWG breads

happylivinggirl 12 years ago

Ezekiel Breads! Also Erythritol is a 100% Pure Pleasant tasting Natural Sweetener. Zero calories and Low Glycemic Impact it is made by NOW Real Food Products. It is granulated like sugar, and I substitute it for where ever sugar is called for. Just google it and you will locate several places where you might purchase it!

Ossie-Sharon 12 years ago

White Stevia powder is OK instead of syrup, but best to look for “raw” unprocessed Stevia, if possible. The shelf-life varies according to the type and form, but most keep for about a year – check the label to be sure.

Dianne53 12 years ago

Yes I meant Stevia syrup!! I found a recipe online but it said green powder. Is white stevia OK? How long does it keep? Can I use the powder instead of syrup? Thank you for answering.

Ossie-Sharon 12 years ago

Stevia oil? There indeed is no Stevia oil. Perhaps you meant Stevia drops or syrup?

Ossie-Sharon 12 years ago

SWG in Australia

Dianne53 12 years ago

Where do you find SWG products in Adelaide South Australia? I use Stevia powder but have not heard of Stevia oil

Kelli 12 years ago

You are a wealth of information, I’m sure ill have many more questions. Thank you for all the helpful info thus far!!!

Ossie-Sharon 12 years ago

In the Trim Down Club, as you noticed, there are a few elements of the raw diet, with cooked food. We hope to strike a balance by recommending unprocessed food, which means that a lot of the original nutritional value is preserved, much as in the raw diet.
You can switch foods around as you see fit, just as long as you make sure all the food groups are well-represented so you meet all your nutritional needs, and that at some point, your overall portion sizes come down.
For cold cereals, we recommend sprouted whole grain cereals, shredded wheat, kashi, plain puffed rice or wheat, and muesli especially; if you can find or make raw granola, that is good, too. It is best to use a cold cereal as an opportunity for milk.
Recommended dressings for salads include lemon, vinegars, and/or good oils such as olive (the olive-lemon combination is particularly good for bringing out the antioxidant value of fresh vegetable salads), canola, flaxseed, chiaseed, almond, hazelnut, or macadamia nut. Organic dressings are generally fine, too. No matter how good the dressing, though, portion control is still key.

Kelli 12 years ago

I did an ALL raw diet several months ago, I wanted to try this becuase it seems it went hand in hand with the raw BUT I can have cooked food, which is why RAW did not work for me. I need MEAT!! In the 14 day meal plan there is A LOT of stuff I DO NOT eat. Can I tweak that with other meat choice( lean beef or lean turkey) how about dressings for salad? And one more question, I gave up cold cereals, but it appears I can have this on this plan. What is the best choices for cold cereals?? thank you

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