Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)
suzy1954 11 years ago

I think I might know what my problem is I have to stay away from the pasta and bread. I would love to make same bread with SWG spouted whole grain.I don’t think I can get it where I live.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Suzy1954. More vegetables are usually a good idea – there are plenty that are “free”. Regarding whole grains: what makes you think they are a problem for you?

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, WendyKay. In the Recipes section, type “shake” in the search window, and it will pull some up for you.

suzy1954 11 years ago

Thank you for getting back to me.I will put more veggies into my juice and. smoothies. Would that walk better? I do trie to eat healthy. I do eat lots of salads and love spinach and kale. I also love to make kale chips.i think I have to stay away from the whole grain. Do you think that could be my problem?

wendykay 11 years ago

I also have started juicing..can u add a recipe on the menu list that you feel works?

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Suzy, and welcome. Smoothies are a great way to get in fruits and vegetables. You can fit them into your menu by selecting one of the recipes from the food lists, and then just swapping your own. Do pay attention to portion sizes of the ingredients, though – smoothies go down easily, and the amounts can sometimes sneak up on you.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Helpless and welcome. The Trim Down Club doesn’t work with calories, but trather with meeting your nutritinoal needs, as it isn’t a “diet” but rather a way of eating that supports a healthy weight. The intention is for you to eat all the food onthe menu, to get your body used to eating normal amounts of food and preventing the hunger and metabolic proglems that come with starvation diets. If you have been on weight loss diets before, it may take some getting used to.
If you hit any snags, please do post again, and we can work through them.

suzy1954 11 years ago

Hi every one, Im also a newbie.I find there’s so much to eat on the menu planner . I’m used to having a smoothie in the morning. Is there anything wrong with that? I also bought myself a juicer and a book ( juicing& smoothies for dummies) I have decided to stop drinking the wine for awhile,I started getting up early working out. So I’m hoping to get the pounds of.

Helpless 11 years ago

Also just joined. Can someone tell me how many calories are in an average day. It seems like an awful lot of food for me. Do I have to eat it all every day?

Bigloser56 11 years ago

I am also a newbie and was wondering if there is a “pantry item” list so that if you are going to make the recipes in the cookbook you would be sure to have staples on hand. Where do you shop for some of the flours? I have always cooked with white flour so this will be a big change for me. However, I keep adding the pounds on and need to do something so excited to get started. BigLoser56

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, AdamsGifts,and welcome! The shopping list feature is in the final stages of development and will be available shortly.

adamsgifts 11 years ago

I too just joined. I was hoping to have a shopping list generated when I created my menu plan for the week. I need something that will assist me in planning meals and easy to use. I hope this program works for me.

wendykay 11 years ago

thank you.yes i do use the swap feature…i look forward to help from tech support..I also added a juicer into my life. I had one glass yesterday and with two days of watching my diet I am down 2 lbs.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Wendy. Have you tried the swap out feature (the button next to each item in your menu?) Other than that, you can move around individual items as you wish – as long as you get a good amount of protein in the morning – and swap out items from the same food groups (here, yoplait with granola instead of the squash omelette). As for the lunch arrangement – I will forward it to tech support.
Overall, your plan has less than 42% of energy from carbs, which is quite low.

wendykay 11 years ago

1 slice of 100% Whole Grain/Wholemeal Bread
1 serving of Squash Omelet
1/2 Banana
Snack #1
6 ounces of Light Yogurt, 0%
1 cup of Watermelon
2 slices of Pizza
1/2 cup of Potato (White)
1 cup of Steamed Vegetables
12 ounces of Low-Fat Yogurt, 2%
6 ounces of Light Yogurt, 0%
1 Apple
Snack #2
1/2 cup of Frozen Dessert, Cream-Type, Non-Dairy
1 Egg, Regular
1/2 cup of Green Peas
1/2 cup of Green Peas
1/2 cup of Potato (Sweet)
1 serving of Vegetables
6 ounces of Low-Fat Yogurt, 2% yoplait non fat banana ok?
Snack #3
1 ounce of Almonds

pizza/ lots of carbs?
if u can rearrange a day to look like this
6oz yoplait with granola for breakfast
and froz yogurt/ice cream for last snack that would work for me

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)

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