It’s not just about what you eat, but how you eat as well. Think about the diet that you maintain now and then use these simple but highly effective tips to lessen your chances and increase your picture of health overall. So look around your kitchen, focus on how you can make these changes, and get started towards cancer prevention today!

By TrimDownClub

Brazil nuts are rich and creamy, and make a great snack and even seasoning – and are among the most delicious superfoods. They are high in protein, healthy fats, and selenium, a mineral that’s essential for proper immune function, and has been linked in studies to protection against chronic disease.

By TrimDownClub

Mushrooms often take a back seat when it comes to getting attention about nutrition. Most wouldn’t consider them to be a superfood, but they absolutely are.

By TrimDownClub

Despite a lot of good research extolling the benefits of coffee over the past couple of decades, its unhealthy reputation persists to some degree – but why? What exactly is it about coffee that has people seeing vice rather than virtue?

By TrimDownClub