Thanks to scientific and medical advances, we are living longer than ever before. More and more research is showing that eating the right foods can significantly slow the aging process, so that you can live longer and enjoy life more. Keep reading to discover the foods that you should be eating to help protect your health and keep your golden years truly golden.

By TrimDownClub

Everyone struggles with hitting a plateau at some point in the weight loss journey—that dreaded point where the number on the scale stops dropping, despite you still following the program.   Above all, keep your goals at the forefront of …

By TrimDownClub

When we think about healthy eating, many of us assume that it will be more expensive. It can be very, very frustrating, and leave us asking why we seem to be punished for making the right choices. While it’s true …

By TrimDownClub

Recent studies prove that a vegan diet not only includes all the essential elements our bodies need such as iron, vitamins, and fiber, but also has the power to prevent serious diseases such as cancer and diabetes and manage obesity, cholesterol and high blood pressure.

By TrimDownClub