Mindless eating simply refers to the behavior of eating without noticing. Most of us don’t overeat because we’re hungry, but rather because of other external influences, such as prompts in our environment ‘telling’ us to eat – whether it’s a TV commercial, or the person behind the counter asking us if we ‘wanted anything to eat with that?’.

By TrimDownClub

New and important research shows that Mediterranean nutrition can decrease the risk of heart disease by about 30% – adding to the mass of evidence that a Mediterranean diet is a ‘gold standard’ for good health.

By TrimDownClub

Even though the US is considered to be the capital of global abundance, 50 million Americans – among them 17 million children- suffer from food insecurity.  The movie “A Place at the Table” refutes the image of the richest country …

By TrimDownClub

Organic products are becoming increasingly popular as concerns grow about the impact of synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides, and processes, such as GM on human health.

By TrimDownClub