Recent studies prove that a vegan diet not only includes all the essential elements our bodies need such as iron, vitamins, and fiber, but also has the power to prevent serious diseases such as cancer and diabetes and manage obesity, cholesterol and high blood pressure.
You hear all the time that we as a society eat far too much sodium in our diets. You may wonder what the big deal is and why too much sodium can possibly be bad for you. Though you always hear you should reduce your sodium intake, it helps to know exactly why that is.
The maintenance and promotion of optimal cognitive health is not essentially difficult if you follow healthy diet and lifestyle. Always remember that prevention of cognitive problems is way so much better than finding a cure for it!
The human brain is a complex organ. It is responsible for managing just about every process: it is responsible not only for cognitiv and psychological processes, but also for physical processes. The healthier your brain is, the healthier is its functioning