Would you like to know how to eat a mango properly? The enormous pit can make them difficult to prepare.
Or maybe you need help picking a good one- or want to know how to ripen one that is NOT quite ready yet?
Mangoes can be a bit challenging!

In fact, so many people have such a hard time preparing mangoes, that they don’t buy this highly nutritious fruit. Here are some helpful tips on the best way to select, ripen and prepare mangoes as well as some important information on mango nutrition. It’s your all-in-one quick guide to enjoying Mangoes!
Mango Shopping Tips
When you shop for mangoes, color is not really an issue. Instead, they should be soft but not too soft, like avocados. Look for mangoes that are full as opposed to flat, as they tend to be juicier and less stringy.
Mango Ripening Tricks
If your mangoes are too firm, you can ripen them the same way as bananas. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature and to speed up ripening, add an apple.
Always wash your mangoes, and use a clean cutting board. You can use a chef’s knife, and it must be sharp for best results. If you don’t have a good knife, now is a good time to buy one.
1. To Peel or Not to Peel
You may peel the mango first with a knife or vegetable peeler. However, it might be slick and difficult to work with. That’s why most people prefer not to peel first.
2. Cutting
To cut, place the mango on your cutting board and cut along the largest sides. Try to follow the contour of the pit. Of course if you have a mango splitter, just use it as you would use an apple corer. This should give you two large sections. Next, trim the small sides as closely as you can.
3. Inside Out Method
If you want an easy way to slice or dice mangoes, do not peel. Score the large sections 3 to 4 times horizontally and/or vertically, depending on the desired shape and thickness. Be careful not to cut all the way through the peel. Now simply grasp the scored piece with each hand and turn it inside out. You can pull or cut the pieces from the peel.
The main objective for mango preparation is to trim as much as possible away from the core, without cutting into it. The best method really depends on personal preference.
Storing Cut Mangoes
Store cut mango pieces in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They are only good for about 3 days. However, you can freeze them for up to a year.
If you dehydrate your mango pieces, they can survive in the cupboard for 6-12 months, in the refrigerator for double that, and in the freezer indefinitely.
Mango Nutrition
There are many good reasons to eat mangoes. Here is nutrition information from the USDA (1). One mango (not counting seed) has approximately:
Despite the relatively high sugar content, mangoes are associated with a low glycemic index (2) and effect on blood sugar, even in diabetics. (3)
Cleaning Up the Mess
Go to the bottom of this article on How to Cut a Mango to learn a pro tip on dealing with Mango stains!
Mango is safe- but these 5 foods aren’t!
1. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 27 – Basic Report: 09176, Mangos, raw. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service
2. Elizondo-Montemayor L, et al. High hydrostatic pressure processing reduces the glycemic index of fresh mango puree in healthy subjects. Food Funct. 2015 Apr 8;6(4):1352-60.
3. Edo AE, et al. Glycaemic response to some commonly eaten fruits in type 2 diabetes mellitus. West Afr J Med. 2011 Mar-Apr;30(2):94-8.
I have diabetes and high blood pressure. Is all the foods in the trimdown club good for both of my diagnosis?
Hi, Mary. Yes!! This entire program is based on supporting management of metabolic conditions such as those :).