Making Seasons Bright and Plates Light!
The holidays may be about food and that’s okay, but you just have to learn how to get a handle on it. Yes, the holidays are well outside of your normal routine, and this means you have to engage the right mindset.


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Thus, you can no longer use the philosophy that “it’s just one day so I’ll enjoy what I eat”. Though in theory that sounds fine, it often marks the beginning of going downhill very quickly and returning to bad habits all over again.

Sure, enjoy the holidays for all that they are, but learn how to adapt to new and healthier ways of doing things. You can be an example, and you can really be the person at the table that people look up to for what a healthy holiday can mean. Is that really possible? It’s not only possible: if you arm yourself with the right tips and methods for eating at the holidays, you are bound to impress even yourself.

Healthy Holiday Classics

So how do you do it? How can you truly enjoy the holidays and keep a handle on food?

Here is one tip, one of many that you can find in our program to really make it work for you in this holiday season:

Find a healthier way of preparing your favorite dish:
If chicken parmesan is a big part of your holiday tradition, then find a healthier recipe for it. There are so many substitutes for fatty ingredients and more preferable cooking methods, so you can really do this easily. Try baking or sautéing instead of frying, and use olive oil instead of butter. Use low-fat cheese or sour cream instead of full fat versions. This is such an easy way to still enjoy your favorite holiday foods, but in a more health-conscious way.

==> Download our free Healthy Holidays Classics and see for yourself

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