Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 88 total)
Chayes6812 8 years ago

Sometimes I just love to enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I usually buy the omega 3 peanut butter. What about jelly? What is a good healthier option of jelly I can buy?

gmom33759 8 years ago

I don’t have many of the foods in my house am I suppose to pay for this program and then be told I have to throw all the foods I have out, & then go buy foods I have never herd of in order to eat your recepies you have on this site. Also if I wnted to measure or weigh all my foods I ould have gone to weight watchers where i could of used the foods I already posses. I don’t get this program at all & I have only been on it for less than a week & have already gined 4 lbs.

karrina310 8 years ago

I don’t eat bread, are there crackers you can eat instead? There seems to be too many choices and too much cooking especially for 1 person. Is there a easy version to follow?

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Melanie. How your clothes are fitting is absolutely the bottom line! Scale weights can be misleading at this early stage.
With regard to the second issue, if you are too full, you can definitely cut back. Just be sure to get a total of 5 fruit+vegetable servings and 3 calcium-rich foods/beverages per day.

melanieschwob 8 years ago

I am starting Week #3 and I am gaining weight. It’s only about 2 lbs. but this is not the direction I am counting on. I am very full and rarely looking forward to the next snack or meal. My choices for menu planner are healthy (89-90%). I seem to be trimming inches, however, as my clothes seem to fit better and others who don’t see me regularly have asked if I’m losing weight. When can I expect the scale to reflect my diligence?

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Nancy. If it specifies “cooked,” then measure it after cooking.

nancygurli 8 years ago

I am not sure I’m doing certain portions correctly. When it says “1/3 cup rice (cooked)” or “3/4 cup oatmeal (cooked)” does it mean I measure it before or after cooking it? I measured my rice after cooking and my oatmeal before cooking and they can’t both be right!

Support 8 years ago

Hi Jeanne,
Please note, there is no time limit with regards to how long you spend on each week. You can take your time, and go at your own pace. Once you complete a week it will automatically unlock the next week, but you can remain in the week you are on, and also return to previous weeks should you wish.

Hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Jeannebz54 8 years ago

I had a message to say I had completed my first week but I havent done Saturday and Sunday yet but it was hard to go back to my week 1 menus. I’m assuming the programme week starts on a Monday?

Support 8 years ago

To update your profile picture, please follow these steps:

1. Login to
2. In the middle of the homepage, simply left click on ‘Update Picture’
3. Then, click on “Browse” and locate the image on your computer you wish to upload. Then, after you find the image you want to use, simply click Open
4. Now, click on “Upload Image”
5. Next, scroll down, and crop your profile picture. Then, click on “Crop Image” to save your new profile picture

We hope this information helps. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

All the best 😉

RetiredNP 8 years ago

Can anyone help me figure out how to upload a picture for my profile. I have chosen a picture from my computer, selected it and it will show up on my home screen but says on the bottom left “crop picture”. When I click on that to crop it, it disappears. What am I doing wrong? I have uploaded pictures to programs or files before but can’t seem to get this one to work. I would appreciate some help or I will just have to leave my profile empty. Thank you.

Ossie-Sharon 8 years ago

Hi, Gary, and welcome! You can read about those issues in our main “Program Guide,” available in “My Downloads” (in the upper right corner of each site page). In a nutshell, avoid overly processed/refined foods and artificial ingredients, and favor whole fresh foods.

Jeannebz54 8 years ago

I have found using the 8 week plan allows me to adapt menus so that I can eliminate foods I really don’t like – but plain greek yogurts mixed with fruit taste better than some of the others…

gary2436 8 years ago

hello everyone, can anyone tell me about alcohol how much we can have and what to avoid and what is good?

denisefrette 8 years ago

New member. Can you help me with regards to organic foods vs. Regular store bought foods? Living in a small town, not much choice, plus, to order online is very costly. Can I just use regular foods when organic is called for. Same with eggs, omega vs regular?

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 88 total)

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