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Patrician 11 years ago

Hey, I don’t believe you have bee ripped off. I think some of the ideas are weird. I am not sure I agree with the only swg bread. My husband has diabetes, type 2 and we changed our eating to whole wheat, brwn rice etc. Took out over processed foods. He lost a lot of weight and I feel healthier. I think if one followed this program exactly one would get the BEST benefit BUT changing white to whole wheat etc is a better choice. Get rid of processed. I don’t believe in organic, but a carrot is still better than a chocolate bar, whether organic or not. So I believe you can do this. I think the support in this club is good so give it a try. A little at a time and you will see results!

Patrician 11 years ago

I have to agree that the menus seem weird, I have not followed the meals exactly. They have been a guide for me. I have completed 1 week, lost 6.4 lbs. The main thing this did for me was to have a “plan” even if I didn’t follow it. I made substitutions and was very aware of portion size. Also increased veggies, in short this week I was very aware of what I was putting in my mouth and when.

Rebeccadors 11 years ago

Well done Seaborn. I have just been too excited to wait until Tuesday to weigh myself. Normally I’m shattered in the evening and the day if I’m honest, but since starting this I have more energy. I don’t want to just sit around. I’m enjoying my food, and I feel good. I just had to weigh myself to discover 5lb down! Brilliant! Just what I needed to start me off.

Seaborngirl 11 years ago

Good for you Porkyrees…a good loss! And Greysea, you are meant to eat it all! I struggled over the weekend to get it all in. Too many other things going on! All the best.

Seaborngirl 11 years ago

Evening all….I have been busy all weekend, and just popped on to see how things are going.
I have just read through the forum and there are so many newbies who are just plain confused and ready to throw it all in! Yeah, it is confusing to begin with, not knowing half the products etc…but we have Google, and other means of researching…you just need to get on there and look at what they are, what they are used for, and how used…keep your menu simple (I haven’t picked any recipes at this stage), and change it later when you have worked out all the things that are confusing you. I haven’t eaten or heard of half of this stuff before, being a real meat and veg eater, and definately not interested in preparing food, and I am finding that I am enjoying the different foods, and the simplicity of it all. If my husband doesn’t want to eat what I am eating, I just have something ready for him that he likes.
Don’t give up everyone….learn how to use it to your benefit, change what you need to change, and see how you go.
I started last Monday 7th, and have lost 3lbs in the past couple of days. I feel more energetic, and I am looking forward to the next week. Happy sailing everyone….see you in the morning….or your evening….

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

In Australia, look for whole grain – better than whole meal. However, do be sure to look at the label to confirm that it is made from unrefined flour, and not refined flour with bran added back in.
Regarding snacks, yes you can switch them around, so long as you end up eating the most when you are most active, and don’t go to sleep on a completely empty stomach.

ROSALMA 11 years ago

could somebody please give an aussie alternative for this SWG, also some times the snack 3 seems very overloaded, can the snacks be switched around in order during the day

cntwall 11 years ago

I just joined and after reviewing the menus I was ready to give up. I live in a small town and I don’t even know where I can buy the SWG Bread. Also I noticed some of the meal selections they choose for you just don’t go together and when you go to replace one of the items it doesn’t always give you a lot of variety to change it. I am willing to get back on and play with it a bit more but I would like to see more standard items that you can buy at a small town store like a Piggly Wiggly or even a Super Walmart. Take standard Product and Proteins, etc… and with the use of seasonings create some tasty recipes and leave all the weird stuff out of it.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, JCNR. The Menu Planner does contain a variety of more mainstream foods from which you can choose. What sorts of things would you rather see there?

upsgram 11 years ago

Thanks for the tips, I think I will go back and take some of the foods off as I checked way too many. I am having a hard time getting my grocery list ready.

kjterry53 11 years ago

I too have just joined last week. I checked a lot of items on the menu planner that sounded like fun and ended up with a menu plan I would not be able to follow at first. So I went back in to the menu planner and limited my choices to items I like and knew I could buy locally and only chose recipes for the evening meals that I know I will have time to prepare. I’ve printed up my revised menu plan (which is way simpler!)and will probably repeat some days to keep it simple to start with and keep my grocery bill reasonable. I know eating 6 meals throughtout the day is much healthier and eating in the right combinations too makes all the difference so I am going to try my best to follow the plan and check the results. Good luck to everyone!

JCNR 11 years ago

I agree, the meals look weird and do not tempt me at all, nor would I be able to get many of those ingredients locally.I have Type 2 diabetes {insulin and diet controlled} and globus pharyngeus which limits my diet considerably and have been eating a healthy diet for years, with a few acceptable treats.I too feel I have been conned!

JCNR 11 years ago

I share your feelings about this diet. My husband and I were full of good intentions but having looked at your recipes we are not interested.I have Type 2 diabetes, insulin controlled, also globus pharyngeus for which I have limitations on my diet and having studied the recipes, I know that I would be unable to get many of the items locally. We already eat a healthy diet; fruit,veg,nuts etc and home made foods so I do not see that your weird foods will be of benefit.

nailart 11 years ago

It really really works! I still can’t believe my eyes each morning as I step on the scales. 5 days and 5.6 lbs. Wow! I have kept my menu variety small with a lot of repetition which makes it a lot easier for me to cope with and is less time in the kitchen. First diet ever where I can actually say I’m having FUN! Made my first ever home made ice cream today – veggie and low fat for some of my snacks – and I have to say it is absolutely delicious – thanks Ozzie for that tip!
Good luck every one.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Bethany. The 14-day plan is in “My Downloads” above.

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