You’ve decided you want to lose weight and eat healthier. Great! So what does that mean for the rest of the family?

By TrimDownClub

We are all looking for an interesting way to spend some quality time with our kids. It’s not a secret that kids just love baking cake, snacks and all kinds of unhealthy food. It doesn’t always have to be this …

By TrimDownClub

Setting out a bowl of fruit, keeping the kitchen clean, and using a juicer: being healthy doesn’t require an extreme kitchen makeover – you can gradually approach your goals and find your comfort zone. How to begin? Try these simple changes to live healthier.

By TrimDownClub

You can enjoy healthy and delicious meals whether you’re dining alone or with a companion. Though it may feel different than cooking for a group, this guide will show you that similar principles apply.

By TrimDownClub