You probably think that bananas are good for you. But the banana is one of nature’s candy bars: wrapped, ready to eat, and full of sugar. That makes bananas bad for you. Or does it?
Time to find out!

By TrimDownClub

Perhaps you are seeking a healthy way to lose weight, and come across an advertisement for just such an opportunity—illustrated by, of all things, a banana. Since calories have always been the standard gauge of a “diet” food, perhaps you would like to know how many are in a banana.

By TrimDownClub

The New Year seems like the perfect time for new beginnings, to set goals, to say, “this is it, this is my year.” Unfortunately, New Years’ resolutions rarely bring the lasting change that you hope for. Here’s how to increase your chances of success.

By TrimDownClub

A common phenomenon: our diet is finally progressing, we’re losing weight – then the holiday season arrives, and all of a sudden we’ve gained 6 lbs. Don’t be discouraged, and don’t postpone your diet until afte New Year’s. Here are …

By TrimDownClub