Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained major popularity over the last few years.
It has been an area of research for years, but as soon as some celebrities tried it and swore by it, it started picking up speed.
The benefits are clear- the meal plan is easy to follow, no calorie-counting required, they help you feel more energized, healthier, and can even delay certain chronic conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease.
Sounds good, right?
Well, we’re happy you agree, and in saying that, we want to give you 3 tips to continue your IF journey successfully.

1. How can you suppress hunger during the fasting period?
Eat High Fiber foods. Fiber is a nutrient found in foods like nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, and grains like quinoa. Pairing these with lean sources of protein, like chicken, fish, tofu, eggs, will help you feel fuller for longer and to have true satisfaction from your meals. Fiber and protein take more time to move through the digestive tract, prolonging the time between your meals.
Drink lots of water. We often think we feel hungry when we are in fact thirsty. The hunger mechanism of the body is stronger than that of thirst, and so being hydrated not only is important for the functionality of your body, but it also helps you determine if you are truly hungry or not.

Go for black coffee or tea. Warm beverages tend to have an appetite suppressant effect. Specifically black coffee, or herbal teas with cinnamon or licorice root. Don’t forget, no sugar or milk during the fasting period.
2. When should you exercise?
Some research shows that exercising while fasting affects your muscles and metabolism that’s linked to insulin sensitivity and the steady control of your blood sugar levels. In particular instances, research also supports eating and immediately exercising before digestion or absorption occurs. This is especially for anyone with diabetes.

If you are engaging in moderate to high intensity exercise, it is best to time your meal close to your workout. If you are going to exercise more lightly, then doing it in a fasted state has shown to be beneficial. Make sure that you are able to keep up your exercise routine, without feeling weaker. If you cannot get through your workout in a fasted state, it can not only make you feel weaker, but you can start breaking down muscle for fuel.
3. Is it ok to skip breakfast?
The notion that omitting a morning meal is bad for your waistline is a long held myth that likely began with studies that were sponsored by breakfast cereal companies. The research was conducted on the effect of skipping breakfast and children’s cognition. To that point, as children are rapidly developing and learning all day, they require this important meal. However, i’m not quite sure how that all got translated and directed to body weight and weight gain. It is important to practice intuitive eating and to eat when you are physiologically hungry, not when the clock strikes 7:00 or 8:00 am.
4. Go at your own pace and build up to the full 16:8
Here’s an introduction to some of the most popular forms on IF. Often, people start with a 16:8. However, you must respect your body and start where you feel most comfortable. This can mean 12:12 or even 14:10, where you fast for 12 to 14 hours and eat within a 10-12 hour window. Ideally, you will build your way up to the 16:8, which is the most widely recommended method, and the method that our keto+IF program is based on.
Always check with a doctor before starting a new diet. For some, IF can be tricky and might not be appropriate. For example, if you are pregnant, or have a health condition. IF is a lifestyle and because of this, making sure your doctor is updated on your lifestyle choices is a good choice.