We hear it all the time: we need more fiber in our diets. There are so many commercials for fiber supplements–drinks, pills, wafers…. But is it true? Do we really need more fiber? Why is fiber so important anyway? And how do we get more of it?

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Fiber not only helps to prevent constipation but it also keeps the gastrointestinal system working properly. It also happens to be a big factor in weight loss, as it can help to keep you feeling full longer.

Sure you can turn to fiber tablets that you get over the counter, but truthfully, getting the fiber you need is really just about making some important adjustments within your diet. Especially if you are trying to lose weight, it is critical to understand just how important fiber can be. Knowing that, it’s easy enough to make the switch and to embrace the foods that offer you true value in terms of fiber intake.

Make the Switch to Whole Grain

If you aren’t eating whole grains for weight loss and also for fiber content, you should be. When you eat white bread, white pasta, and white rice, you are getting an unhealthy dose of insulin. The refined sugar and white flour found in these foods raise your blood sugar level and the end result is that you feel hungry soon after you finish eating them.

When you eat whole grains you are not only going to feel full for longer, but you are also going to get a healthy dose of fiber. Whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta, as well as brown rice are all excellent sources of fiber and are therefore the preferred options for a variety of reasons.

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

Sure, you know that any diet plan is going to recommend that you eat more fruits and vegetables. Yes, it’s true that they are low in calories and virtually fat free. Sure, they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. What you may not realize though is that they are also loaded with healthy doses of fiber.

Carrots, sweet potatoes, strawberries, apples, and broccoli are just a few that are loaded with fiber. For every serving that you get not only are you working towards better health overall but you are also getting in a nice fiber serving as well. This is a healthy and natural way of consuming it and it’s easy enough to add fruits and veggies into every mini meal that you eat throughout the day.

Get Creative with Your High Fiber Foods

If you really want to try to get more fiber in then get a bit creative. Try making a smoothie with plenty of fresh fruit and throw in a scoop of flax seeds that happen to be one of the highest fiber foods that you can find.

Be sure to mix in beans with soups, pastas, and salads for a nice fiber bump with each meal that you enjoy. Opt for lentil soup or even make a bean burrito for lunch for a nice way of eating healthy with a great fiber value. The more creative you can get the more fiber will just become part of your daily eating. Your body will thank you, the weight will come off, and you will find just how much value fiber really can have in your diet and in your health overall.

Click here to learn more about balanced eating with the Trim Down Club.


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Comments 4

  1. Hi, JereMullen. We will be adding that information in the future. In the meantime, for each “carb” exchange listed for a recipe, there are at least about 2 grams of fiber, often as much as 4 or 5 grams. Rest assured that our meal plans allow for upwards of 40 grams per day – much of that depends on selection of whole, unrefined versions of foods in the menu planner.

  2. Why don’t your recipes show a fiber count? I would love to try some of the recipes on your site and some I have just by content, but I don’t like cooking two different meals and my husband is diabetic and we eat between 35 to 40 grams of a fiber a day to control his insulin levels. It would be nice to glance at a recipe, read the fiber content and incorporate it into out menu. Just a suggestion.

  3. Since I have increased my fibre, I feel less hungry and I am losing weight, slowly but surely!
    One thing I’ve done is to add barley (precooked) to my oatmeal when I make porridge. It is high fibre but doesn’t change the taste, especially with a chopped apple and a teaspoon of cinnamon for extra flavour. (I also put in some wheat germ or ground flax seeds sometimes, but my husband is not a fan.)

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