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  • Profile picture of sibales


Public Group active 2 years, 5 months ago

I have tried every diet for the past 10 years and have continued to gain weight! I’ve had 3 children, been a member of a gym, had a personal trainer, signed up to expensive diet plans and constantly searched for a way to loose my growing weight problem. Being overweight takes over my life. I dont feel as confident, as attractive and as successful as I used to. I feel people judge me as a bit greedy and lazy, and it is affecting all areas of my life. I am not as energetic, healthy, and even-tempered as I used to be and have an underlying sense of not wanting to do anything outside of the necessary things such as buy clothes, go out to social events. I have an ongoing sense of hopelessness that I will never be thin again. I want to change all of this! This group is set up for people exactly like me. To share our concerns, our ideas and our journeys to a better, healthy us!

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