Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)
brendaneal2266 9 years ago

I’ve got my walking to 30min a day, lifting light weights for my arms, and crunches for my tummy!!! Feel great and hope for more weight loss but I know I’m putting on muscle I haven’t had for years. Still lost 3 lbs though. I know it was fat cause my clothes fit better. I have the desire to dress better and actually went from a 12W to a loose 12. May not sound like much but I feel so much better about myself!!!!!

LyndaRussell 9 years ago

Thanks Ossie-Sharon

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Lynda. Meagan’s currently out, but I can tell you that what you are doing sounds excellent. If you at some point hit a plateau, repost here, and we’ll think about tweaks to your exercise to work through it.

LyndaRussell 9 years ago

Hi Meagan Lee,
At the moment I’m doing 30 mins walk/run 3 days a week, swimming 12 laps (600m and increasing 2 laps/weekly 3 days per week as well as 30 mins gentle about 5 or 6 days a week. Is this enough to lose weight while I’m on this meal plan? Seems like so much food…..

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, reinvent. How are you doing? Do you by any chance have access to a swimming pool? Aquatic exercises may be a big help.

Deborahjjhayes 9 years ago


reinvent 10 years ago

Hi Megan, I wanted to know if you have any suggestions that may help me with exercise? I have fibro and have to be careful what I do, so my pain does not flare up. Just started program 3 days ago and have not been active for a couple of years. I walked the past two days at a turtles pace, but want to do more.

Blue77 10 years ago

Thank you so very much for your help in getting to the exercise videos. Worked great!! Now I can access whenever I want to. Yahoo!!

Support 10 years ago

Hi Blue77,

To access Megan’s video, simply log on to the Trim Down Club website. You will be taken to Week 1 of the Trim Down Club Program – Step by Step Guide to Success (If you are not taken to Week 1, simply click on Home in the Trim Down Club Website).

Hope this helps 😉

Blue77 10 years ago

I would like to know how to access the exercise videos. When they pop up I exercise along with Megan but I don’t know where to find them within the Trim Down Club web site so I can exercise whenever I want to.
Thank you,
Blue 77

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, BonnieKing. You can contact Customer Service through the “Contact Us” link below, and they can hook you up with that package.

BonnieKing 10 years ago

I can’t find the digital guides on “EXERCISING FOR FAT LOSS” and a “PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EXERCISING”.

Meagan Lee 10 years ago


Yes, you do get cardio in when you are weight training depending on your rest period in between sets.
I wouldn’t necessarily say your core is the most important to get in line first. I would say that having a string core will help with the strengthening of your whole body. Doing an ab work out will not get rid of the body fat around your midsection. Diet and a consistent training program will be the most effective way to rid the belly fat.
What does your core work out consist of and I can get a better idea of what you are doing and give you a more precise answer??

Nicolebolin 10 years ago

I was ready the comments about cardio. I was of the understanding you need to mix up your cardio as well as weight training because your bond becomes “stagnant.” I do two days each of treadmill and elliptical, which has made a difference. You also need to know you optimal heart rate, as this has cut my time in half on both. You also get some cardio when weight training too, correct? Now to my problem, I cannot seem to get ride of the belly. With that said it is the place I put on most of my weight. I have started a core program, which I trainer told me would be most effective way for me. Is this try? Is your core the most important part of your body to get in line before anything else?

Meagan Lee 11 years ago

It depends on what you are doing with your trainer. I would need to know more details about your work outs to be able to tell you what my thoughts are. 6 times a week isn’t too much if you are splitting it up correctly and taking the right amount of rest for your body. Congrats on your weight loss!

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