Many women experience weight gain during that time of the month. For some of us, this is almost or even completely unnoticeable. And some of us need clothes that are a full size bigger…or more. But this weight gain isn’t permanent and it doesn’t have to derail your weight and health goals.

Why Does This Happen to Me?!?
The biology behind gaining weight during your period is relatively simple.
Hormonal changes, primarily the drop in progesterone, lead to water retention, increased gas production, and constipation. This makes you heavier, less comfortable, and crampier and not always happy with yourself or the world.
And because your body is preparing for a possible pregnancy, you may very likely crave high-calorie, high-carb, high-fat “comfort” foods. Generally speaking, however, your body self-regulates by boosting your metabolism and even increasing your rate of fidgeting, so any real weight gain is usually non-existent to very minor.
Some women also crave salty foods, which directly increases bloating.
10 Things You Can Do About It
- Hide the scale. This is temporary weight gain. Yes, it matters to maintain a healthy weight, but we women are socialized into being far too likely to base our self-esteem on our weight. Don’t beat yourself up.
- Drink water. It’s counter-intuitive, but drinking a lot of water actually reduces fluid retention. (And constipation.) Some women swear by starting period mornings with a glass of warm water and a teaspoon or two of lime juice.
- Reduce salt in your diet. Salt increases fluid retention. The biggest culprit isn’t the salt you add yourself, it’s in processed foods, especially fast food. If you feel you absolutely must have salt, salt your food yourself. You may be able to taste it better than you can in processed food, which rarely tastes salty, even when it’s packed with it.
- Eat foods that reduce gas. Live culture, plain yogurt can be excellent for this. (Add your own fruit or sweetener.) Mint tea, ginger, cinnamon, fennel seeds, raw honey (you could make a nice tea out of these) pineapple and flaxseed can help reduce gas. Avoid milk and other dairy products with lactose, a hard-to-digest sugar. (Yogurt does not have lactose but does have good bacteria that help your digestion.) Avoid gas-producing foods, like beans, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and Brussels sprouts, onions, carbonated beverages and foods full of processed carbs.
- A chromium supplement can help stabilize blood sugar and insulin and regulate your appetite, while a combination of magnesium, calcium and B6 is very helpful in reducing cravings.
- An iron supplement can reduce fatigue: many women are low in iron, reducing their blood oxygen levels. Cooking in cast iron is also helpful.
- It’s much easier to deal with cravings when you’re not hungry. Eat regular, balanced meals. The Trim Down Club makes this easy with our unique menu planner.
- If you indulge a craving, do so with something you truly enjoy—then savor it and take pleasure in it.
- Exercise. Unless you absolutely, positively cannot exercise, keep up your regular exercise routine, even if you have to cut back a little. Exercise helps with bloating and cramping, and it’s a natural painkiller and appetite suppressant.
- Consult your doctor or other health practitioner. If you retain uncomfortable amounts of water, explain the situation to your doctor and ask about a mild diuretic. This may be extremely helpful. Black cohosh, chasteberry, dong qai, and maca may be helpful for dealing with some menstrual issues, but you should seek advice before using them.
How Do I Stay on Track with My Goals?
Unless you indulge your cravings with large amounts of unhealthy foods, periodic weight gain will resolve itself naturally in the days after your period. However, you can stay on track towards your weight loss goals even during your period. You don’t have to be stalled or frustrated.
That’s because your biggest weight-loss friend is good nutrition. Eating the right foods in the right combinations at the right times helps balance your blood sugar and keeps your metabolism humming, so your body can burn fat for energy. Many women who continue to follow a good, healthy eating plan through their menstrual period are surprised and delighted to find that despite periodic weight gain, their bodies kept burning fat. When they stepped back on the scale after their period, they saw they had lost more than water weight.