Obesity causes illnesses, and those in charge of recognizing those illnesses are usually the family doctors. A survey conducted among 500 doctors in the United States found that only 7% of those with a weight problem would assist their overweight patients …

By TrimDownClub

How often should you mount your home scale, what’s important to be strict about when weighing yourself, how often is considered normal and how often is considered obsessing and most important: is the home scale even accurate?

By TrimDownClub

Can’t live without sugar, cakes and sweets? Addicted to sodas? We can assume you haven’t yet heard about Dr. Robert Lustig, the American endocrinologist and childhood obesity specialist, considered the current nutrition prophet of doom. Dr. Lustig declared war on …

By TrimDownClub

There’s no other choice: you have to match your food intake to your nutritional needs to achieve your weight and health goals. While exercise is a priceless part of the journey toward a healthy and fit-looking body – and may increase …

By TrimDownClub