Share your favorite family recipe with us and we will add it to the top of our recipe page today!


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At least 1 ingredient is required

At least 1 ingredient is required

At least 1 ingredient is required

At least 1 ingredient is required

At least 1 ingredient is required

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Please describe how to prepare this recipe.


At least 1 preparatory step is required

At least 1 preparatory step is required

At least 1 preparatory step is required

At least 1 preparatory step is required

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Does this recipe have a special story behind it? Does freeze well, or is it easy to make for a crowd?

Our nutritionists will review your recipe and we look forward to adding it to our collection. Please note that it may take some time to review your recipe and it may be modified to fit the program’s dietary requirements. We appreciate your patience.

By clicking "Submit" you agree to the Trim Down Club’s Terms & Conditions and represent that you have the right to upload any material that you have included.

Thank you very much for submitting a recipe. We look forward to reviewing it.
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