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The Person Insiders

Public Group active 8 years, 11 months ago

Do you ever feel you are not living the life you were meant to lead. Do you find yourself putting others people’s needs (family, friends, co workers) ahead of yours. Are you apprehensive to follow your dreams. Do you hold back feelings and emotions because something more important is going on. The truth is, the only thing going on is our life is passing us by. And every day, every moment we hold ourselves back adds on to what could be for many of us the root of our problem. Not being comfortable in our own skin. Being conscious of our body and how other see us. Let us support each other in this journey of finding our true self and allowing that self to shine through and make its mark in this world the way we were
meant to do. Time to shed off those unwanted pound in a natural and healthy way with TDC and each other. I am starting at 240lbs and counting down. Come on, join me!!!

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