• cjdunham replied

      I had breast cancer back in 2007; but am now dealing with stage-4 bone cancer. As I approach the first of September I will be getting a 2nd PET scan to discover what is going on with the tumors. I have been told that these scans do best with low, reasonable and stable blood sugar levels, as elevated blood sugar levels interfere with the imaging.…[Read more]

    • replied

      Hi. I’m glad you joined the group. How may years a survivor?

    • replied

      Thanks! I’m happy to say I have been cancer free since October 2003! 🙂
      How long have you been a member of the Trim Down Club? I just joined today. I’m hoping this is going to help me lose the 50 pounds I have regained over the last 3 years. I have lost weight and regain it for most of my adult life, and the older I get the tougher it is to…[Read more]

  • Caroleahank posted an update in the group Breast Cancer Support Group

    i am a 5 year survivor and started a support group at the Parker Adventist Hospital. We are more than just emotional support. We have monthly luncheons with various topics discussed. We are making a quilt to showcase in October which each survivor will be adding to. Each person will make a flower to replicate what their jourey has meant to them.…[Read more]