Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
boodlemom 10 years ago

The only SWG bread i have found is ezekiel and it is in the freezer. Do you know that brand and is it ok? Should i expect tp find all SWG bread products in the freezer?

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, k8eric. Yes, this program is low in carbohydrates, about 40-45% of energy, compared to 50-65% in regular diets. Beyond that, the major principles applied here are based on diabetic care.

k8eric 10 years ago

Is this diet a low carb diet? I have the low sugar but is it also low carb? I am diabetic and need to be on a low sugar/low carb diet?

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Mflowther66. SWG stands for “sprouted whole grain” (you can read more about it here In other countries, it is often just called sprouted wheat (i.e., in the UK) or sprouted (whatever grain).

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Mflowther66. Note that you only need to make the overall selections at the beginning, and then just make minor adjustments here and there going forward. In other words, it will not be tedious for very long.
Many people have different selections for lunch and dinner, and so this is the structure that developed, to suit a wide range.
Again, it will not be tedious forever. Give yourself a little time to get used to the material – it will be much less than the time it took to put the weight on, and it will pay off.

Mflowther66 10 years ago

Is it possible just to select all the foods you want to choose for all meals on one tab rather than have to repeat everything for every tab? This is very tedious,

Mflowther66 10 years ago

Help what is SWG? I noticed on the menu many items have the prefix SWG, is this a brand in the USA? Or does it mean something else. Thanks

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, boodlemom. We absolutely recommend just finishing the items in your pantry and gradually upgrading – no need to waste. For that reason, the Menu Planner includes some common and more generic fodos, so you can still build a menu, and take advantage of the other features it offers – portions sizes, food combinations, and timing.

boodlemom 10 years ago

I just joined and would like to use things i already have in my pantry. When following a menu is there a way to substitute my own items and record that to see how it fits into or changes the numbers? I am new this week and trying to navigate thru all this material. I am 48 and a new empty nester, who has been fighting my weight for 20 years.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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