Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Playhouse. Just go ahead and have it for your evening snack (with some fruit), and ignore the rest.

playhouse 9 years ago

hi I have had two menus planned for me and were good. however the latest one has no ice cream, something i look forward to once or twice a week. it was on previous menus but not now how do i put it on the menu please

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Eva. Absolutely. Just click on the circular arrow icon in the upper right of your breakfast meal in your menu, and enter those items.

kemason2610 9 years ago

Mushrooms are a free veg. Go to
Hope this helps.

Evapaterson 9 years ago

Here is another question i have: Is mushrooms a free vegatable? Would be nice to get some answers soon! Thanks

Evapaterson 9 years ago

Hi Ive just started and Ive got my menu. The only thing for me is that Ive eaten porridge about 3 dl , 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 dl semiskimmed milk and a glass of orange juice pressed from 1 orange for my breakfast for years and im a bit unhappy to change this, can i get this in to my menuplanner every day?

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, jrgn. Absolutely!

jrgn 9 years ago

Being new here I accidentally created more than one weekly menu and they are different. Can I choose from the assortment of choices from them. One breakfast on one menu and a #1 snack from another?

Support 9 years ago

Hi debbiekupczenko,
Thanks for posting.
You don’t need to make selections for vegetables as we have list for these. See here:
Additionally, I suggest that you use Google Chrome (internet browser) to make a menu plan. In order to see the full list of foods to chose from, you will need to use the scroll bar to the right of the food list.
I hope this helps 🙂

debbiekupczenko 9 years ago

Very bad grammar, apologies!

debbiekupczenko 9 years ago

I’ve had problems filling in my menu planner, title like vegetables, snacks and there was one other didn’t come up. Then the information wouldn’t fit open up, so I had to keep using the slide bar to see how I was getting om with the meals. Consequently I have a menu planner that doesn’t suit me and when I started this plan, I hope it would include some wine which I look forward to after a stressful day.

Support 9 years ago

Hi again, GillyC7.
Thanks for your patience.
I checked your most recent menu and found that all of the food groups that you marked with an ‘x’ did not appear in your menu. I also see that you didn’t put an ‘x’ on individual foods in step 2 of the menu building process (meaning that you didn’t necessarily dislike the foods in step 2). As everything seems ok on my side, can you please provide me with the exact foods you marked with an ‘x’ and that appeared in your menu?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

GillyC7 9 years ago

I inadvertently created 3 menu plans as I was trying to register my preferences. In all 3 cases the items that I requested to not be put on my plan were included.

Support 9 years ago

Hi GillyC7,
Thanks for posting!
I can see that you created 3 different menu plans. Would you be so kind to let me know the menu id of the menu that you are having issues with (you can see the menu id in the My Menus area under Apps)? Also it will be helpful to know the items that should/should not be in your menu?
Once I have the information above, I’ll be sure to quickly look into this for you 🙂

GillyC7 9 years ago

I have filled out my preferences but my menu planner comes back with things that I have put on the don’t like, don’t add list. I have tried several times to correct this to no avail.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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