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Radisson 10 years ago

Meagan Lee Kinesiologist:

I have done kettlebells exercises with a lot of success. It’s easy to do for both women and men and its great for losing excess skin after loosing weight. Yet and don’t see it recommended here. Why not?

Meagan Lee 10 years ago

If you want fat loss then doing cardio in the mornings on an empty stomach is best. This will increase fat loss while doing the exercise. If you are weight lifting or strength training then the timing just depends on your body but definitely NOT on an empty stomach. Maybe look into a hand peddling bike or row machine if that is more comfortable for you. It will help your upper body strength and get your heart rate up to your desired rate.

Meagan Lee 10 years ago

My suggestion is if you want to lose weight to do cardiovascular exercise in the morning before breakfast. This will help burn body fat and get your blood pumping for more energy throughout the day. Once you get into a good routine with that then maybe add in strength training. Make sure you start your breakfast off correctly and really make it a point to eat the correct foods in the morning so you aren’t thinking about that all day and then deciding to not follow the plan for the rest of the day.

Tanya 10 years ago

Hi, Im wondering if , does the time of day matter when you excersies, morning or evening. Also, I have MS and my legs dont allow me to really get my heart rate up, I go on my tredmill and I have a bike. Is there any different excersise that would be good for me?

mgoffigan 10 years ago

i just started today. but i feel so sluggish in getting started because i ate the wrong things for breakfast. how can i start my day before i go to work i have a early shift 6am-6pm. twelve hr. days three days a week its hard.

Meagan Lee 11 years ago

So I just joined today and I wanted to know what kind of exercise I can do to get rid of the lower pouch of fat…it looks like I’m a bit prego. It’s the only place I have issues besides like love handles and thighs but I need to know what work out to do… Maybe like lower abs???

Well, you cannot just do ab exercises to lose your lower abdominal body fat, that will just strengthen your ab muscles. A whole body work out with light weight and cardio intervals will help tremendously along with following your nutrition plan.

Try something like this with 3-5 lbs dumbbells or body weight
wall push ups 20 reps
squats 20 reps
shoulder press 15 reps
lunges 20 reps (10 on each side)
tricep dips 15 reps
side squats 20 reps (10 on each side)
bicep curls 15 reps
Jump rope for 50 reps
Repeat this 3 times, 2-3 times a week.

This will help boost your metabolism which will burn body fat.

Rayannabea 11 years ago

So I just joined today and I wanted to know what kind of exercise I can do to get rid of the lower pouch of fat…it looks like I’m a bit prego. It’s the only place I have issues besides like love handles and thighs but I need to know what work out to do… Maybe like lower abs???

Meagan Lee 11 years ago

I would first take a look at your shoes to see if they are properly fit. Seek out a professional at an athletic foot wear store so that they can observe how your foot strikes the ground and they will assess your shoe needs and maybe suggest an insole. If your shoes are not the problem it may be the way you walk or run or that you are doing too much too soon. Shin splints can become fractures in the tibia if not addressed properly and in a timely manner.

Meagan Lee 11 years ago

I would definitely time your meals appropriately as to have the right energy before working out and also have a professional find your aerobic threshold so that you are in the target heart rate for burning fat and not muscle. I would seek out an exercise physiologist in your area and they are usually trained to do this. Takes about 10 minutes.

Dianak13 11 years ago

Good Morning. Meagan I am very interested in your explanation of burning muscle. I have been walking a fair bit this month and I find some days I can keep up with my group, but other days, I have severe shin splints. It helps to slow down, but my group goes on and I have to catch up! Any ideas on this?

Dianak13 11 years ago

Good Morning. Megan, I am very interested in your explanation of burning muscle. I have been walking a fair bit this month and I find some days I can keep up with my group, but other days, I have severe shin splints. It helps to slow down, but my group goes on and I have to catch up! Any ideas on this?

philpayne 11 years ago

Hi Meagan Lee, reading your reply regarding burning muscle, I found this interesting, I always assumed you would burn fat before muscle regardless of the timing of the exercise, now i’m concerned.
To avoid burning muscle rather than fat what are your recommendations prior to attempting any exercise?



Meagan Lee 11 years ago

There could be a lot of variables at play; stress, not enough rem sleep, lack of certain nutrients, hormones, too much exercise, etc… I would need to know more about you before I can give you an idea of your next step as far as exercise is concerned. I would ask Ossie about the nutrition part of it.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Ovive. Start with what is comfortable for you, and see if you can increase the weights each month. When you do, you may wish to start with fewer repetitions, and work your way up in repetitions with each increase in weight.

Ovive 11 years ago

Thank you very much for the advise… I do have a Weider exercise bench weight machine . but I think i use it wrong …

What is the weight i shoud put to start … I goes by 5 pounds

I could lift 15 pounds … 15 times . last one is difficult …
Like you say 10 times is better for me to start ?

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