Ossie-Sharon 6 years ago | Hi, SolidJoys. There are full-fat options for all dairy products, specifically for the reason you mentioned. The following are examples from the Menu Planner food lists: Buttermilk, Full-Fat Cheese Brick, Full-Fat Cheese Cow milk, Hard Cheese Cow milk, Soft Cheese Goat milk, Hard Cheese Goat milk, Semi-soft Cheese Goat milk, Soft Cheese Mascarpone Cheese Mozzarella, Buffalo milk Cheese Organic Pastured / Grass-Fed Cheese Rind (i.e. Brie, Camembert) Cheese String or Block, Full-Fat Cream Cheese Kefir, Full-Fat Milk, Buffalo, Full-Fat Milk, Cow, Organic, Whole Milk, Cow, Regular, Whole Milk, Evaporated, Organic, Whole Milk, Goat, Full-Fat Milk, Sheep, Full-Fat Yogurt Greek, Full-Fat Yogurt, made from Goat milk Yogurt, made from Sheep milk Yogurt, Plain |
SolidJoys 6 years ago | I thought skim and lowfat milk, yogurt etc. have been proven to be poor choices for weight loss. Why is there no option for whole milk, yogurt, cream cheese, and cream? |