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Ossie-Sharon 5 years ago

Hi, jab1952 and Littlepistol1. It is generally optimal to get exercise ideas from your healthcare provider familiar with your case – especially during recovery from hip replacement (perhaps from your physical therapist). Meanwhile, this is a link to recommendations from a medical organization:
For asthma, we recommend yoga, as it helps with breathing and “opening” up the lungs. You will find examples in our “8 Week” program (link on the site home page), on the odd-numbered weeks (1, 3, 5, 7). For lower back arthritis, try these video links for ideas:
PiYo Toe Touches
Lower Body Slim and Toning
Side Squats Lower Body Toning–HKsFLgST544prdjBx1&index=2

Littlepistol1 5 years ago

Following to see what they suggest. I am like you as well as just recovering from Hip replacement. Have a good day. Char

jab1952 5 years ago

Hellow: I have asthma and arthritis in my lower back. Could you suggest exercises that I could do. jab1952

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