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Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Mare3Lee. See the online guide here “Exercising for Fat Loss” (in “My Downloads” above). It includes the types of exercises you are seeking.

Mare3Lee 11 years ago

I am 5’2″ and 70 years old living in the USA…I cannot do floor exercises or too much in the gym by my self as I need a spotter and no one able to go when I can go to the gym to help spot me.

Now that the gas prices are so high here on the West Coast, I try to do only do minium trips so going to a gym 3 times a week is not cost effective.

Does anyone know of a website that shows a short vidio of easy chair exercises that would be affective to keep me mobile? (I am not good at searching the web..computers came at the end of my career.)

I can stand for short periods of time and bend and use my upper arms..just not so good at being stable standing and exercising the lower body while doing walking in one spot or standing on one leg and exercise with the other. I use a walker and a cain.

Just started the Trim Down Club the end of January and trying to get my pantry stocked with the right foods and spices.

Finally able to set up my diet plan. it is still a bit confusing. It seems like so much food for one meal and most recommendations are not my life style.

I am a simple cook..15 minute meals and simple ingreadiants. Not an organic or raw milk person. I can’t stand at this time in my life for long period of time in the kitchen to make elaborate receipe meals.

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!!

tahoecupfan 11 years ago

Thanks Ossie, I am 53 years old and am just under 5’5″, 185 lbs at the moment. Usually eat lots of fruits and veggies, typical day would be blueberries/strawberries/peaches with granola sprinkles, few almonds/dried apples for snack, roast beef wrap on 100% whole wheat wrap with onions and lettuce, snack 2 about 4-5 triscuts with an oz cheese, dinner was brown rice, shrimp and salad. The only thing I drink is water, tea and my own juice that I make 2 or 3 times a week. I have nerve damage in my back along with degenerate disc disease and a bulging disc!!! I cannot walk without assistance which is why I use the bike everyday. I can do the weight machine but only upper body. I try and ride my horse to strenthen my core and legs about 1 to 3 times a week. Thanks for any further advice.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

It is very normal to hit a plateau, especially after rapid weight loss. First, don’t pay attention to the scale, but rather how you look and feel – it could be that because you are so physically active, you are building heavy muscle weight. If there is truly no change, other than waiting for the fat loss to restart, the best thing to do is to try to use a new set of muscles. Without knowing what your specific disability is, I can’t make a recommendation, but if you with to post details, I’m happy to help.
In addition, if you wish to post more information – age, gender, height, and weight, along with a sample day from the menu planner (and how much you follow it), I can run some calculations to see how it all fits together.

tahoecupfan 11 years ago

I started this diet on New Years day and did good in the beginning. I lost 15 lbs in three weeks and since then, nothing. Am a little disappointed, but am hanging in there. I am disabled but do have an exercise bike and ride between 5 and 10 miles a day and have followed the food to the tea. Anyone else having this problem?? Im not about to give up.

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