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Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Sandi. First, note that you can move the foods around throughout the day however you wish to make combinations to your taste, and you can swap any of them by clicking and selecting from the pop-up menu. Second, uncooked grains are 2 Tbsp. or 20 grams to make 1/2 cup – you can make a bunch at once, and portion them out and freeze them for future meals. Third, you don’t have to buy expensive foods – as long as they are not overly processed or refined, you are already ahead of the game.
Regarding the menu you posted, I ran an analysis, and I see a very, very high amount of fiber – fiber is good, but the extra 10-15 grams you’re getting above what you may need (and in a difficult-to-digest form such as baked beans) may be challenging to your digestive system. In addition to cutting back a little on these (including the veggie burgers, for example – you only really need one), physical activity can really help with bloat, and may boost your metabolism to help with weight loss.

indas1 9 years ago

Hi I will get my husband to send a sample menu.i have put on 2lbs! & I’m still bloated. Some things I find are strange combinations or dinner foods for snack eg soy milk& applesauce or 1/2 cup of chilli meat&beans for snack. Also why is there only cooked weights for grains? I don’t know how much dried to use& always make too much!!!! 1/2a cup of pasta is hardly worth the bother to make it!!!! Maybe I should eat the same day menu for a couple of days. Also the green salad is for 8 serving& I only want one, there is a lot of weighing& down sizing menus , all time consuming. It has cost a lot of money to buy all the foods needed& I am wasting a lot when foods aren’t repeated in the next days menu. I’m sorry for going on but I’m not happy that I’m gaining weight please help me

1/2 ounce of Flax Seeds
6 medium Carissa/Natal Plum
1 cup of Basic Hot Cereal (Porridge)
Fish Oil
Snack #1
1 cup of Baked Beans, Natural
1 cup of Coconut Water
4 1/2 ounces of Prawns
2 Rye Biscuits (Crispbreads)
2 Tbsps of Avocado Spread/Guacamole
2 servings of Vegetables of Your Choice
Fish Oil
Snack #2
1 ounce of Cold Cuts, Beef, Lean, Uncured
1 100% Wholemeal Roll
1 serving of “Free” Spread
1 serving of Vegetables of Your Choice
2 medium Veggie Burgers (Soy/Legume-Based)
1 Tbsp of Sweet/Hot-and-Sour Sauce
1 cup of Aubergine, roasted or sauteed
5 Olives
Fish Oil
Snack #3
1 cup of Soy Milk, Organic
1/2 cup of Applesauce

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Sandi. We definitely don’t want it to take over your day. First, the bloating may be a result of the high amounts of fiber – if you are not used to eating whole foods, it may be too big of a change all at once. Try returning to your previous foods while gradually adding back in whole grain foods. Second, try cutting back on portions – perhaps by about 1/4 and see if you feel better. Again, if you wish to post a sample day and write what about the menu is excessive, I would be happy to troubleshoot with you.

indas1 9 years ago

Hi I feel I am now putting on weight, I still feel too full to eat all the food. I have a problem with bloating normally but now I look 9 months pregnant, no exaggerating!!!!!! I just feel awful& I feel I don’t want to eat! I feel very sluggish& heavy. I am maybe eating too big portions but it’s hard to measure30grams of tuna for example. I also find some of the combinations strange, it’s not like normal meals for me, I constantly need to look at the menu& feel like it has taken over my day! I think I’m in need of advice please Sandi x

Support 9 years ago

Hi indas1,

Click on your Username at the top of the website to access your profile. From there you will be able to change your dietary needs 🙂

indas1 9 years ago

I have chronic back pain, I tried yoga& pilates but I was getting too much pain& chronic fatigue( I also have M.E) so I’m gearing up to try swimming which I love. Still no weight loss but I feel better so that’s good! I don’t fancy vegetables for my snack so I eat a bowl of homemade vegetable soup, is that ok? Also I’m dairy free but soya yogurts have sweetener & not cultured? There is dairy in my diet plan, I’m sure I checked the dairy free box but I can’t get back to see that page ? X

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, indas1. Your snacks are great – if those healthy choices are convenient and appealing to you, that that’s the best thing for sustainability. Just use your menu pattern as a guide for portion sizes. If you want to hurry your adjustment along, I suggest modifications to your physical activity – it doesn’t have to be something drastic, but a change can be enough to wake up complacent muscles and have them work for you. What is your activity like now?

indas1 9 years ago

Sorry ossie x

indas1 9 years ago

Thanks onsie-Sharon I think I just need reassurance on the quantity of food to be consumed. The snacks that require cooking eg vegetables, I find difficult to fit in, I’d much rather just eat nuts, seeds& dried fruit with yoghurt or cheese. I’m going to go swimming as I have chronic back pain.
I have done lots of diets, all limited food. So how long should I give my metabolism time to change? I’m so scared to put weight on!

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, indas1 (and thanks, Judi – you are so right!). If you have been on restrictive diets in the past, it may look like a lot of food (also, the amount of natural foods you can eat is higher than processed, even if the calories aren’t) and take your body a little while to get its metabolism back to normal. The fact that you are not gaining weight is already a great sign. It’s also great that you are in tune with your satiety signals, and we certainly don’t want to diminish that.
You are welcome to post a sample day from your current menu (copy and paste), and indicate where you have trouble finishing. I will review it and troubleshoot with you for a solution.
Consider also that exercise is the fastest way to reclaim your metabolism – if you would like some guidance there, please do repost.

indas1 9 years ago

Thanks judi but do I need to eat all the food in a daily menu, I struggle to eat so much& my weight has stayed the same????

JudibeeFL 9 years ago

If I am reading this program correctly; it is not the quantity of what you eat that is important. It is the quality of food and choices we make to ensure we are getting all of the correct nutrients we need to be healthy!

Judi in Sarasota FL

indas1 9 years ago

I can’t believe how much food you need to eat!!!!!! I’m finding it difficult to fit it all into my day, I’m eating more than my husband!!!! How will I lose weight when I’m eating so much????? Sandi x

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