Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Silvergirl. Yes, pancakes and grits can be selected in the Menu Planner application. It is recommended to make them from whole grains, etc. as much as possible.

Silvergirl 11 years ago

Does the menu plan have pancakes and grits. I would like to have this some time if the plan allows it.

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Linda. I am also a vegan, and have ensured that the Trim Down Club is suitable for vegans – there are many, many options with which to build a menu. Per your additional post, there are also many gluten-free options, and you will find that most of our recipes are gluten-free. Once you get into the Menu Planner program, you will see how easy it is to build your own custom menu that will suit all of your needs.

lindajoyflower 11 years ago

is anyone a vegan and had the trim club cater for them properly, would like to know before I join? Linda

Ossie-Sharon 11 years ago

Hi, Mariah. The intention is for you to eat all the items. The application was just upgraded, so you may find portion sizes to be more realistic for you (especially in the area of the oatmeal) – in the meantime, I would suggest substituting milk for some of the oatmeal.

mariah 11 years ago

I’m confused. Am i to eat all the food on my daily list? It is an awful lot. It seem to me that it may be giving me a choice but I don’t understand. For example it says, 1 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1/2 ounce of walnuts, 1/2 cup of goat cheese, 1 pear. should i be choosing from those four or eat all of it?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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