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Support 8 years ago

Hi Pat,

Thanks for posting!

Yes, you can switch those meals.

A key food combination involves making sure a protein-rich food accompanies a high-carbohydrate food (though an isolated piece of fruit is fine).

A simple three-point meal-planning trick can help keep you on track for lunch and dinner:

– A carb + a protein + a fruit or vegetable = square meal.
– Combine this with the portion size cheat: the size of the palm or your hand or fist. It’s that simple.

Other than that, try to use herbs, spices, and other natural seasonings together and in foods for healthy synergies.

And, please do remember, that when in doubt or out of your element, harness the knowledge you gain from the Trim Down Club’s online resources to use whatever is available to create a better meal – not perfect, but at least better than what you may have done before.

Additionally, please also see our full list of exchanges for individual foods:

Best 🙂

Support 8 years ago

Hi Jennie123,
It looks like you would do best using the full Personal Menu Planner application, which is full of tasty recipes.
For recipes that don’t appear in the Personal Menu Planner, simply find a Menu Planner recipe or food that is most similar to what you want—either by comparing exchanges or noting the various types of ingredients—and select it as a place-saver for the system. When it comes time to prepare your meal, make the swap. This can also work with your own personal recipes.
For example, if you are interested in Cheap and Flexible Lentil Stew, one of our newer additions, note that it yields 2 carb + 2 protein exchanges per serving, the same as for Tomato Broccoli Cheesy Potato Bake, which appears in the Menu Planner lists.
In another example, if you have a homemade chicken-vegetable soup you’d like to make, chances are it fits with the combination found in our Chicken Soup for the Gods—even if it isn’t a perfect match, it is more than likely sufficient.
If you wish to incorporate a more unusual recipe, such as our Paleo Nut Stuffing, note that unless you have a specific medical condition, you can swap carbs for proteins (1 carb for 1 protein exchange) or fats (1 carb for 2 fat exchanges).
Best 🙂

Pat9229 8 years ago

I have the same questions. I made quinoa pudding and it does not show up in my weekly menu. I also would like to know if I can swap meals around from other days. For example, Tuesday’s snack 3# for Thursdays snack #3.
I’ve been using the plan for about 3 weeks now and kind of know the hang of it. However, I’d like to have a plan describing the meals by categories. Example: Breakfast: one fruit, 1 starch, 1 protein. Is it possible to get that?

Jennie123 8 years ago

Hi, I’m new to this, I wandered if anyone knew the answer to this question (tech support said I should ask questions on here, so here goes…)
I’m finding my menu really repetitive and dull, I love the look of the recipes, how do I substitute whole meals like lunch or dinner etc. for one of the recipes? Also, I’m confused by how much I should eat of each recipe as some are for 8 people, my family would obviously be eating larger portions than myself.
Thanks so much. xx JM

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