Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
Meagan Lee 10 years ago

How did you feel after the 30 minutes?! Is it getting easier for you?

pad41260 10 years ago

Sunday was another misty day of rain, but no excuses today. We also kept the grand kids age 2 and 4, but no excuses. so we all went for a walk during the break of mist and ended up walking not just around the yard, but done the field and up the hill through the trees over the down trees, across the creek. at least 30 minutes. then we played with the boys on the tricycle for another 20 minutes. We all slept very well last night:)

Meagan Lee 10 years ago

How is the walking and working out at the gym going?! If you have any questions please let me know and I would be glad to assist!

Keep up the great work!

USA444 10 years ago

Thanks, yes I really don’t want to have to do this again. Had the pins and the boot for 6 weeks. But I’m just doing what I can at the gym with weights and reclining bike

pad41260 10 years ago

Take care of that foot. I am a firm believer of following doctors orders. Broke my ankle in 3 places in 2009. Surgery, pins, plate. not fun. Still have pain from time to time. and it still turns purple. Never got 100% back movement. It has been a challenge but I am very thankful I can walk.

Take Care

USA444 10 years ago

I’m still recovering from foot surgery but I’m going to the gym and just doing whatever I can.
I always feel good after!

pad41260 10 years ago

No Excuse Day.

It is so hard to get into a routine, so lets start. Plan a 15 minute walk (mall, park, house, around the block, trail). No Excuses. If it is to hot or raining, walk around in the house. walk during commercials.

You go Girls. Lets here how you overcame the excuses today.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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