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Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, please4pls. The easiest way to figure it out is to click on “Exchange mode” in your finished menu in the Menu Planner – you will see exchanges under each food group at each meal. You can incorporate recipes into your menus by matching up the exchanges.

please4pls 9 years ago

I do not understand the exchange method, I really would like to try some of the recipes

Veronicabrown2 9 years ago

Thanks for the help and useful links.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Veronica. The point of the program is to eat whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods rather than following a specific plan with specific foods. The next time you travel, look for locally-grown fresh and homecooked foods with lots of vegetables and good fats and proteins – with some portion control, that’s the best thing you can do.
As for the UK, Sainsbury’s carries edamame (also known as green soya beans – and wholemeal products (; try to avoid anything with an ingredient that starts with “E-” or is hydrogenated. Sprouted grain (SWG) products are available in health-oriented shops such as Whole Foods Market and online from such sites as (example:
Again, just do the best you can to eat fresh and unrefined/unprocessed foods, and you will benefit – it doesn’t have to be perfect, just better than what you were doing before. Little improvements add up to a lot!

Veronicabrown2 9 years ago

Hi, I’m in the UK and have had real difficulties of finding SWG; wholegrain bread and edamame in the Health Food shops and in my large supermarket of Sainsburies. How many UK member does the Trim down club have? I have also just come back from a month in greece where it was impossible to say with the plan.

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

Hi, Denise. It may seem like a lot of food because whole foods tend to have higher volume for the same energy.
If it is difficult for you to manage the volume, can you post here a sample day of what you could eat from the menu? I would be happy to troubleshoot a solution with you.

denisestumbough 9 years ago

The meal plan has a lot to eat. I’m not used to eating that much. How can I make this work?

Ossie-Sharon 9 years ago

That’s great news, tonje1! We wish you continued success 🙂

tonje1 9 years ago

I have been on the plan for 4 weeks and am losing weight/ I went to lunch with my friend and did well in selecting my lunch. I stuck to the menu except for the lima beans. we shared a dessert I had 4 bites and stopped will that throw off my day/ I had my snack as directed. had 1 quiche for dinner as I was full.

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Dawniedark. You’re getting the hang of it! 🙂 Enough life, but be responsible. 🙂 🙂

Dawniedark 10 years ago

Hi and thanks Ozzie-Sharon
Now I wonder… I probably shouldn’t do this but..I had frozen yogurt instead of reg yogurt last night(snack) and I’m thinking that today I will skip some carbs to make up for it???

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, Dawniedark. Yes, in small amounts. The Menu Planner lists feature full-fat canned coconut milk, for which the serving size is 1.5 tablespoons. There are, of course, lower fat coconut milk beverages, for which 1 serving is one cup (a fat if unsweetened, and a fat + a carbohydrate if sweetened).

Dawniedark 10 years ago

Can coconut milk be used?

Ossie-Sharon 10 years ago

Hi, teemac, and welcome. Don’t worry about doing everything perfectly or jumping in headfirst. Ease into the program and do the best you can. Every little improvement helps, and small changes add up. Coconut oil is fine in small amounts. You can read more about coconut products, including oil, here:

teemac 10 years ago

the meal plan it created for me is to hard to follow all of it so I am working with it. I cant believe how hard it is to find organic and foods. But today I did I would say 80% of what i bought is organic and all meet was grain feed.
Is coconut oil ok to use?????

day 2 for me, hope this works.

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